Including 15 related terms such as dwellings, housing, and residential properties.
… investment to include – • £4.8m European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) – to extend Low Carbon Dorset programme to 2023 (£8.25million in total ERDF) • £79m Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) with BCP Council - to deliver sustainable travel in DC and BCP areas • £19m Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) - Building retrofit • £859K Green Homes Grants (with BCP Council) to support Healthy Homes…
… Green Homes Grants in this round of funding to install over 330 energy measures including insulation, ventilation, and solar panels. A very strong pipeline of ongoing projects is being processed. Improve energy efficiency of rented accommodation • Dorset Council awarded £98,000 of Government funding, to improve the most poorly insulated rented homes in Dorset. • All landlords owning F or G…
… rated properties have been contacted and are in the process of either improving energy efficiency of their homes or applying for an exemption as we enforce minimum energy efficiency standards in the private rental sector Facilitate low carbon new homes • An officer working group is exploring what can be done under existing planning policy framework to be as proactive as possible…
…:// Page | 15 • Continue to lobby for strengthening of energy efficiency standards • Maximise opportunities to increase energy standards of new developments within existing planning policy framework • Work with partners to explore opportunities and develop approach to accelerate retro fit of housing Supporting business to reduce carbon emissions…
… EV hub locations • Dorset Council capital funding allocated to support further expansion of county EV charging network Reducing the need to travel • Working closely with Dorset Business Travel Network and Digital Dorset to promote the use of ICT to individuals and businesses to avoid travel / encourage working from home • Created an Enhanced Partnership with local bus operators to help…
… and what they can do. This included a “Love to Garden” campaign, which highlighted the positive benefits of maintaining gardens, and the launch of a climate change e- newsletter. 25. £500,000 of funding from central government was secured to improve the energy efficiency of people’s homes through the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme. Wandsworth was one of only 56 local…
… providing a full assessment of the benefits and viability of utilisation of cleaner and green technologies. The Green Homes Grant funding from central government includes a full suite of retrofit works to four tenanted properties including the installation of solar PVs, LED lighting and upgraded heating and heating controls. These works, which are underway, will improve the energy efficiency…
… rate for EVs to incentivise deployment. Zipcar has ambitions to make the Flex fleet fully electric by 2025, so it is expected that more users each year able to take advantage of driving cars that are free from tailpipe emissions. Improving energy efficiency in homes 70. Delivery of Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme will continue, and bids will be developed for any future…
… jobs. The Council will work with local providers, including South Thames College, to develop new courses that provide the skills needed for local residents to thrive in the developing green economy. 63. Further actions around the green economy include working with key businesses and groups in the borough, including the Chamber of Commerce, to share information and practical guidance on how…
… chargepoints scheduled to be installed in Q1 2021/22, providing 46 sockets at 13 separate sites. Another estimated 20 on- street residential chargepoints across 10 sites will be included in the planning for Q2 2021/22 with site selection focused on filling the gaps in wards that have lower levels of provision, as mentioned above. Wandsworth Council secured £88,250 grant funding as one of the consortium…
… independence. Landlords put low carbon measures on their buildings to reduce tenants’ energy bills. (1) Deliver retrofit programme funded by the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Fundxi. (2) Work with social housing providers to accelerate low carbon measures for social housingx. (3) Enforce minimum energy efficiency standards for the private rented sector. (4) Explore setting up…
… the environment through less waste, and supporting our wildlife. Insulating Homes: Since October 2020 Surrey’s Local Authorities, working as a consortium with Action Surrey, have drawn down approximately £29 million in Government funding to decarbonise housing until 2023. This funding prioritises the installation of energy efficiency, low carbon heating and renewable energy in low income, fuel poor…
… homes. Households benefit from warmer homes and lower energy bills. With a top up fund of £750,000 provided by Surrey County Council low income households are eligible for works up to a value of £15,000 per dwelling. Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan (2021-2025) | 12 Everyone needs to act The scale and complexity of the challenge is such that everyone needs to play a role…
…) Scale up Local Authority building retrofit programmes. (38) Develop Local Authority new- build net-zero design standard. (39) Implement EV charging, fleet replacement and management. Other Public Sector Direct emissions 13%-31% emission reduction22 11-21 Reduce organisational emissions from all public sector buildings and fleet. (40) Work with NHSxvi, Policexvii, education and other…
… of activities in the workplace, from commuting, business travel and when home working. (50) Develop sustainable staff travel policies. (51) Put in place EV charging and bike storage to enable staff to switch to active and sustainable business travel and commuting. (52) Develop Green Champions schemes to encourage staff to reduce emissions in their workplaces and more widely. 23 And other…
… progress has been made and the current up to date information about infrastructure delivery and its timing. In the Local Plan Review, approved by Cabinet in December 2022, the council is planning for up to 42,000 new homes in the borough by 2039, representing a significant increase from the previous Local Plan target. This higher growth target has been reflected in this year’s IDP…
… in order to secure funding for local infrastructure. The Croydon Council CIL charge came into effect in April 2013. The Mayor of London charges CIL across the 33 London Boroughs to fund infrastructure. The Suburban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD2) has been adopted and provides guidance for suburban residential developments and development in Areas of Focussed…
… Intensification. It is a Supplementary Planning Document to the Croydon Local Plan and is intended to assist in the delivery of homes in the locations of the boroughs to meet the housing target up to 42,000 homes. The IDP helps to identify how the strategic approach for focussed intensification, alongside the required infrastructure, can deliver sustainable development. 6 EDUCATION…
…. Central, South and the South West and may potentially require additional school places in the future. In other areas, such as the North West and East, the level of demand is likely to remain lower than it has been in the past. The council are working closely with schools and academies across the borough to ensure there continues to be sufficiency of places. Where are we now…
… their local community. Croydon Council will work with providers in partnership to take forward the development of a post 16 SEN Centre of Excellence in the borough providing education pathways for young people with moderate/severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties. 11 EDUCATION INFRASTRUCTURE: SEND PROVISION Risks and Mitigation: The Council has a statutory duty…
… provision. D9 Produce pilot projects, business cases and identify funding sources to implement identified energy opportunities across the Council’s estate 2021-26 Low (impact dependant on scale and funding) Mike Ash Blend funding and grant opportunities where available to undertake Green Homes Grant work and to fund pilot surveys. D10 Introduce staff climate change training, particularly…
… 2020) 7UK Government Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy (March 2021) 8 The Future Homes Standard was subject to public consultation…
…/government/publications/the-ten-point-plan-for-a-green-industrial-revolution/title#look-ahead-the-race-to-zero UK’s net zero ambition10. The report comments…
…, the remaining 55 halogen bulb sites will be replaced, refurbished, altered or removed within the payback period or through other council programmes. A3 As part of the housing repair and maintenance works programme, continue LED replacement programme to install energy efficient lighting in communal areas Ongoing N/A Low Mike Ash Target neighbourhood areas across the borough, will be identified…
…-2022 Low direct impact but will inform future focus areas and decision making Mike Ash The Council manages c.10,000 properties. The review will highlight focus areas for raising efficiency levels. A member of staff has been employed to help with this task. Current stock EPC data is available but will require continual validation. Initial data review complete April 21, working group…
… successful applications to the ECO 3, Warm Home Fund, Local Authority Delivery Scheme…
… Encourage Retrofit in owner occupied housing to EPC ‘C’ Private Sector Housing Climate Change BRE Housing Stock Data available for use until March 2021 Signposting and provision of advice to residents on Green Home Grant Signposting and provision of advice on energy efficiency and renewable technologies provided to residents on an https…
… grants and loans Private Sector Housing Climate Change Dependent on availability of grant funding. Use of PSH Grants/ Loans to top up funding Up-to-date information on grant funding available to help improve energy efficiency provided via email, telephone or through the Council’s website. In the last two years the Council has secured almost £1million funding through…
… housing for local people facing homelessness Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) awarded Bomford Place South East regional residential project winner. The affordable housing project is designed and built to a high standard using high performing materials. Most of the properties have double-aspect windows to make the most of natural light, along with high levels…
… grades (subject to qualifying criteria) access to new ‘eco- friendly’ electric or hybrid cars. The Council also offers a Cycle to Work Scheme, encouraging active travel options for employees. Fleet Change to hybrid/ electric vehicles where feasible. CMT Heads of Service M EV pool car managed by Community Team Civic car is fully electric, and the 2 Environmental Protection…
… needs other sources of finance. Government will need to finance major transport infrastructure and provide additional resources to upgrade the housing stock across all tenures. Private individuals and businesses will need to invest in their own buildings and transportation. The Council will seek to assist this through supporting crowd funding, green bonds and offsetting schemes, which make…
… and ambitions 3.3.11 The council has by far the largest local government electric fleet in the UK. By 31st March 2020 the council’s fleet will be comprised of 232 electric vehicles, leaving 20 1041 vehicles to transition to ultra low emission vehicles. The electric vehicles will primarily be charged at council sites, ensuring that they are powered by green electricity secured through…
… demonstrated through the Cross Green and Holbeck schemes that dramatic improvements to energy efficiency can be accomplished by enveloping pre 1919 stock, shifting energy ratings from F/G to B/C. The council has and will continue to support charities such as LATCH and Canopy who bring older properties back into use after extensive energy efficiency works. The council, however, has neither…
… to target grants to those in need, who cannot afford repayments to improve their homes; o For the government to incentivise private home owners to undertake the necessary retrofitting. Even with these actions, the city is unlikely to achieve a net zero position in regard to the existing housing stock without the full decarbonisation of heat. The council is actively working with the LEPs…
…’ developments, e.g. requiring stricter energy efficiency standards, the installation of renewables, and making it harder to develop on green field sites. 16 Public support of proposed big ideas: Chart key: TOOL: Introducing tool libraries across the city. HYHO: Using hydrogen gas to heat our homes. HYVE: Using hydrogen gas to power larger vehicles. INCE: Incentivising homeowners…
… journeys by officers members took part in the survey. Report produced. Recommendations to be considered by CMT in May. response to the staff travel report's recommendations, seeking funding for new cycle storage solutions, bike maintenance stands, CCTV systems, and electric bike charging units at three Council sites. The Council participated in Cycle to Work Day in August…
… Management Areas. Head of Environmental Health and Licencing a) Complete Air Quality Management Plan for the Borough’s Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA). b) Milestones in the Plan are met. Government funding is being sought for improvement works. Environmental Health are continuing to develop the Council’s Air Quality Action plan assisted by consultants…
… Park an old Rose bed was sown with a wild flower mix which looked bright/colourful and has received a number of positive comments. 6.5 Deliver the new open spaces set out within the Local Plan. Head of Broxbourne Development Programme and later, Green Spaces Manager Masterplan for Newgatestreet Road communal green. Application for major parkland areas at Rosedale Park…
… Programme Head of Community Infrastructure and Regeneration Hertfordshire County Council Increase parking facilities for bicycles in Town Centres by March 2021; Subject to S106 funding Hertfordshire County Council and central government grants Other external funding sources including Lee Valley Regional Park Authority, SUSTRANS, and Highways England. Complete…
… to Rye House Station by end of 2021 Section next to the Broxbourne School designed and built in June 2021. Fee proposal for the design of next sections under discussion with consultants. The Council was notified in March 2022 that HCC’s bid for this work, under the Government’s No further update. 31 Active Travel Fund, was unsuccessful. Funding…
… emission choices, supplying guidance to council tenants in 2021. Facilitating wider change Our Key Asks of Others The Government: • A more ambitious successor scheme for the Renewable Heat Incentive from 2021 • Increased landlord Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) obligation • Clear pathway for low carbon heating and early end-date for fossil fuel heating systems Capital funding…
… in local green infrastructure and other adaptive measures. Empowering wider change: • Investments such a pension funds are used to make a positive climate impact • The highest sustainability standards are achieved in procurement • We continue to inspire, educate and learn from young people • A ‘green recovery’ has maximised the climate impact of jobs and boosted growth New development • New…
… DR AF T 4 Figure 3 Baseline and projected CO 2 emissions in Greenwich Graphic to be redesigned This includes spending on heating system conversions and energy efficiency improvement works on housing (approximately £350m for Council housing only) and other buildings (approximately £25m for public sector buildings), electric and low emissions vehicles along with vehicle charging…
… according to the sector of emissions into the following categories: Buildings Energy Supply Natural Environment New Development Circular Economy Empowering wider change Transport The 2030 ambitions are set out in Table 1, below. Our success in reaching the ambitions will depend on changes to national policy from the Government, further funding available to drive forward investments…
…, and on the collaboration of the local community and businesses. In the following sections, actions the council will take, along with our key asks from others, are listed under each of the seven sectors in Table 1. These will be delivered by various teams across the Council. Greenwich Carbon Neutral Plan 2021- 2030 15 £ DR AF T 4 Buildings • The energy used to heat and power our council homes has…
… efficiency grants nationally, working with landlords to improve quality and energy efficiency of buildings and supporting low carbon retrofit for off gas homes. The Council is developing a new Council House programme of 500 units, ensuring the buildings are designed with high levels of insulation and heated by air source heat pumps, powered, in part, by solar PV. This will ensure that heat demand…
… is low, but any heat required is provided by low carbon heat sources. The Council is delivering phase 1 and 2 of the governments Local Authority Delivery (LAD) Green Homes Grant scheme installing insulation and renewable heating measures to over 1000 homes across County Durham. The Council is the lead member of Durham’s Decarbonisation of Social Housing Consortia made up of all the counties…
… to improve the thermal efficiency of their housing stock. Many are investing in energy efficiency measures and developing strategies around the installation of new heat pumps in existing residential properties and the development of new, efficient, low carbon homes that are suitable for a climate emergency. Alongside reduction in domestic natural gas use through insulation, the council is also…
… a move away from a car centric society, which is facilitated by how new developments are currently designed and instead focus upon how new developments connect with existing communities and local public transport and cycling networks. 6 7https://ukgbc.s3…
… View action plan on page 102 Back to contents…
… with other technical details Module developed and in use in NPS Housing Low Enabling Innovation and Funding Q4 2021/22 Housing Services 100. Deliver energy efficiency improvements to properties identified through Phase 1a of the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme Improvements to properties identified completed, in line with MoU. Existing Low Innovation and Funding Q1…
… Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme and other available funds. Bid submitted Existing Medium Innovation and Funding Q1 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 93. Targeting fuel poverty Work with NHS, energy providers and retrofit organisations to support those vulnerable to ill health from cold homes or effect of severe weather events Increased number of home inspections…
… Pathway reduction analysis produced Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q3 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 35. Work with London Councils on developing Council Scope 3 emissions measurement Emissions guidelines and tools available Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q2 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 36. Develop guidance for operational teams to support assessment…
… to include options for local energy creation projects, electrification, storage, optimised and dynamic usage and plan of what is required to decarbonise heat in buildings and reduce Scope 1 carbon emissions. High High Innovation and Funding Q1 2022/23 Property Services 6. Ensure council is well positioned to apply for funding of energy efficiency and retrofit projects Identify…
… and maintain list of shovel-ready projects that may be suitable for grant funding if and when this becomes available. Low High Innovation and Funding Ongoing Property Services 7. Encourage leaseholders to go beyond MEES standards to decarbonise leased buildings Categorise use of buildings and generate a priority list for action on emissions reduction. Low High Innovation and Funding…
… Back Application for a Plot at Chilmington Gypsy and Traveller Site UK Entry Home Office Inspection Apply for Social Housing…
…) Self-Build And Custom House Building Planning Policy Advice Public Consultation Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Ashford Borough Local Plan 2041: Call for Sites & Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment…
… Back Private Sector Grants Boiler Upgrade Scheme Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy Disabled Facilities Grant…
… Private Rented Sector Empty Homes Houses in Multiple Occupation Disabled Facilities Grant Private Sector Housing Enquiry ABC Electrical Services…
… Accreditation Scheme Houses In Multiple Occupation Private Rented Sector Grants…
… – cost £600,000. A bid for £239,000 has been submitted to the government’s Low Carbon Skills Fund to assess council buildings, Household Recycling Centres, and Fosse Cross landfill site for heat decarbonisation, energy efficiency and renewable energy generation opportunities. This would then form the basis of a grant application to the government’s £1billion Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme…
… the move to a net-zero economy iii. Upgrade our homes to ensure they are fit for the future iv. Make it easy for people to walk, cycle, and work remotely v. Accelerate tree planting, peatland restoration, green spaces and other green infrastructure 26. Organisations that have already registered support via ADEPT’s website are listed in Annex 4b, which includes 38 other councils. Resource…
… extension. Estimated cost £194,000. 12. Work with our partners to aim for all new development sites to deliver high quality green infrastructure in line with the ‘Building with Nature’ standards, developed by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. In July 2020, the recently adopted Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) received ‘Building with Nature’ accreditation. It is now local policy…
… projects, subject to the assessment of funding bids and competing bids. Additional resource requests will be made as required through the council’s annual budget setting process and through applications to appropriate grant funding opportunities as they arise. The council will continue to lobby government for appropriate resources to respond to the challenge of climate change, including…
… in Gloucester and Cheltenham, designed to support a ‘green’ restart of local travel and help mitigate reduced public transport capacity due to the pandemic. In the first three weeks ‘Zwings’ riders covered over 10,000 miles, equivalent to travelling from London to Sydney. v. Gloucestershire Salary Sacrifice Green Car Scheme Introduced to enable staff to lease a new ultra-low emission vehicle. vi…
… objectives: tackling barriers to investment in energy efficiency (including via the Green Deal that provides up-front finance for investments in energy efficiency in the home; enhancing energy security; and enabling investment in low carbon energy. 2.1.4 Planning and Energy Act 2008- The Bill allows local councils to set targets in their areas for on- site renewable energy, on-site low carbon…
… negative local impacts (noise, air quality), and improve green areas (e.g. biodiversity, visual attractiveness). 15 • Protect the environment and minimise adverse impacts and instil this approach throughout the supply chain. 4.3 Decarbonising our economy and society involves making difficult choices across many sectors. We need to transition to a society where people have universal…
…: to a post-Covid economy and a post- Brexit economy. In this context tens of thousands of people in Birmingham, including school-leavers, workers in high-carbon sectors and migrant workers, face an uncertain future, while new opportunities open up. The jobs taskforce has the potential to ensure that sustainable building skills and retrofitting skills are being developed. If we can see a way…
…-scale’ applications of the data which align with Birmingham’s existing decarbonisation policies and programmes. These may include building energy data will inform low- carbon policies in the Local Development Plan; housing energy datasets combined with housing tenure and socio- demographics will be used to target home energy efficiency programmes; solar resource data will help the city council…
… 2021/2023 Housing retrofit Bid for Green Homes scheme 1b and match fund the existing and planned developments. Dec 2020 Housing retrofit Phase 2 Green Homes LAD’s funding – opportunity to consider larger bid - subject to identifying match funding of around £5million. This could lever in additional 50/70%. Jan / March 2021 Housing retrofit Where feasible consider quick wins…
… of emissions are coming from transport on motorways and using gas to power homes. Source: UK local authority and regional carbon dioxide emissions national statistics: 2005 to 2019 Greenhouse gas emissions for Rochdale Borough Council (2020/21) 60% 50.7% 50% 40% 37.3% 30% 20% 10% 7.3% 3.2%1.5% 0.1% 0% Heating Electricity Fleet Staff business Transmission Water travel &…
… outlining five key areas where money would be invested to help the UK’s transition towards a cleaner, greener, healthy, safe and more resilient planet. 1. Replacing or improving energy 4. Implementing initiatives and systems with more efficient infrastructure to make it easy equipment for people to walk, cycle and work remotely 2. Planting trees, restoring peatlands and enhancing 5…
… of old goods in favour of recycling and reuse. • More local production and increased use of local facilities and services. • More trees and green spaces within the built environment. • Low carbon and renewable energy businesses operating in the borough with local people employed in the sector. • People living healthier lifestyles with balanced diets and exercise…
…. This job opportunities and bringing includes using renewable sources people together. Most of all it of energy for powering transport will secure a future for the next and heating buildings, being generation. We must all increase more efficient and responsible our efforts to reduce our own when we are making, buying impact on the planet. and using goods and services, protecting and maintaining…
… technologies by 2050 NB: a stage essentially means a trip e.g. walking from home to the shop would be one stage Buildings Heat and Buildings Strategy 2021 • Phase out the installation of new natural gas boilers from 2035 • Bring in the Future Homes Standard and Future Buildings Standard for new builds so that all new buildings from 2025 are net zero ready • Reduce the costs of heat pumps…
… not fall to councils and therefore there is no additional “climate change” funding allocated to councils, in order to implement the act. That said, Government departments have and will continue, from time to time, make available grants and other one- off funds for specific initiatives. Estimates on the total cost of transitioning to a zero-carbon economy is likely to be well in excess of £1tn…
…, and potentially 3 times as much from the private sector, to create and support up to 250,000 green jobs across the UK. Bracknell Forest 2007-2019 Action plans Addressing man-made climate change isn’t a new policy area for the council, or the council’s thinking and planning. The Council’s approach in addressing climate change, is focused on making this agenda part of the core operating principles…
… saving of 40% on gas bills for these residents. We have supported the introduction of Personal Travel Planning to businesses and targeted residential areas, using funding from Central Government, as part of the Local Sustainable Transport policy in 2014/15. Walking, cycling and the use of public transport has continued to be promoted in marketing campaigns, resulting in annual bus travel…
… green jobs across the UK. It is clear that the duty does not fall to councils and therefore there is no additional “climate change” funding allocated to councils, in order to implement the act. Bracknell Forest 2007-2019 Action plans Addressing man-made climate change isn’t a new policy area for the council. Bracknell Forest Council first signed up to the Nottingham Declaration on climate…
…-insulated homes Number of electric vehicle (EV) charging points available High number of people commuting to work by car Number of people commuting by non-car means This assessment is historical and therefore doesn’t reflect the projects undertaken in the last few years or the projects that have been commissioned recently under the Bracknell Forest Council Plan 2020-2023. That said…
… across its property estate over a 5-10 year period. To include feasibility work on establishing a revolving fund to finance energy efficiency work on our estate. New Funding Plan for our Green City Programme (include private sector finance and potential revolving fund for energy efficiency projects). Cost: est. £15,000. New Grant Funding Plan for our Green City…
… can support the delivery of our work). New Private Sector Funding Plan for our Green City Programme. Cost: est. £15,000. New Grant Funding Plan for our Green City Programme. Cost: Low (Staff Time) An increased understanding of how the Council will finance its Green City programme and aspirations. Energy & Sustainability Team. Q2. 2021 1.1.7…
… efficiency of Council’s housing stock e.g. a retrofit programme. A new investment plan for social housing in Southend- on-Sea. Cost: Low Agreement to deliver a retrofit scheme to support targets around the net zero carbon agenda from 2021/2022. Housing Team and South Essex Homes. Q1. 2021 2.2.4. Complete a feasibility study to install a large-scale solar…
…. Green City is added to the agenda for future meetings with bus operators. Cost: Low (Staff Costs) Increased business awareness of the Council’s work around the Green City agenda. Transport Team and Energy & Sustainability Team. Q1. 2021 2.4.3. Continue to deliver sustainable travel behaviour change messaging through online digital content and targeted…
… where we need to take further action in the future. Focus Area Two: Establishing a Pathway to Net Zero Carbon To ensure that we create a clear pathway for our borough to achieve and support national net zero carbon targets. Our work will focus on the actions we can take to improve the energy performance of our own estate (including South Essex Homes properties) and how we can influence others…
… Battery storage will not deliver direct emissions reductions however will help to improve the efficiency of other systems, such as PV, and will also allow for an increase in on-site renewable electricity usage Officer time to investigate opportunities for battery installation. The cost will be factored in over time, taking advantage of grant funding. 4 Review options to reduce water…
… Flag Award winning parks and a number of other key- indicator sites have also been surveyed by an ecologist to help inform future maintenance and management plans. This will continue in future years to access how our plantings have impacted biodiversity. The council continues to be involved with the Sussex Local Nature Partnership to ensure a joined-up approach is delivered across all of Sussex…
… 28 Support the local economy and local businesses The council has completed its work to produce a street trading policy which has restricted the selling or provision of single use plastic bottles, corrosive products and plastic bags which are not compostable. There is also specific consideration around the impacts of the proposed operation onto the local environment and includes consideration…
… Your environment Climate change Climate action and biodiversity work plan 2023 to 2024 Climate action and biodiversity work plan 2023 to 2024 Introduction The council declared a climate emergency in January 2020 and stated its aim to be carbon neutral by 2030, twenty years ahead of the current UK government target. To analyse the council’s carbon emission and to set…
…. This was due to these emissions not being within the direct control of the council. It should be noted that improving the fabric of council housing stock and the efficiency of heating and lighting systems are included in this Climate Action and Biodiversity Work Plan. Select for a larger image…
… approaches to both gathering baseline data and dealing with the scale and depth of the issue. One of the first actions taken by London Councils on behalf of this consortium will be to call on the UK Government to provide powers and resources to address the crisis at pace. Seven priority work streams have now been agreed by leadership from all London Local Authorities, pledging to work together…
… more of these benefits as residents. Improving public health and wellbeing can significantly reduce the amount that the council and our NHS partnerships must spend on healthcare, instead allowing taxpayers money to be invested in other areas such as education, active travel infrastructure and improving our local high streets and parks. Governments face a significant challenge to reduce…
… in the Green Economy The Council’s Adult Education, Apprenticeship, and Employment Skills Partnership teams have joined with the West London Alliance and the Council’s Climate Action and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS: EALING TRANSITION INITIATIVE A local community group whose aim is to help the community transition to a low carbon future. Ealing Transition Initiative has been set up…
… assurance roles, creating thousands of new jobs in the borough. In 2020, we began outreach with local colleges and universities to identify existing training and certification programs which will lead to jobs in green building or installation of low- carbon heating and ventilation systems, insulation, solar panels, and other energy efficiency measures. One of the challenges we face is in sharing…
… really pleased to hear that, working with the local environment group ‘East Cambs CAN’, we are soon to launch a new independent website which will contain lots of valuable information and signposting to advice, nature activities and events anyone can join. The website is independent of East Cambridgeshire District Council, but we are to grant fund it in order to make a local environment group…
…, domestic homes, transport, agriculture, waste and land use. However, there is no simple 100% accurate way of calculating a carbon footprint, as it relies on a number of assumptions. The Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) annually publishes detailed local authority level CO2 emissions data. Unfortunately, this does not provide data on the other recognised…
… emissions that occur as a result of the Council’s own operations. We have calculated the carbon footprint of the Council’s own operations in line with the UK Government’s Environmental Reporting Guidelines for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting10. The first Plan, of June 2020, reported the baseline upon which future years progress will be monitored. That baseline carbon footprint (using data…
… quality parks and open spaces, watching wildlife in their natural habitats and taking great pleasure from a new area sown with wildflower seeds. And if these are all local, we travel less and spend less money getting there, for the benefit of the environment and our pockets. At the same time, as the cost of living rises are causing everyone real difficulties, especially the eye- watering rise…
… will continue to affect future generations. All Governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to limit the negative impacts of environmental change by cutting carbon emissions, protecting 1 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs…