Including the related term circular economy principles.
…, Medium, High) Timescale (Short, Medium, Long) Highways & Environment E&I CRoW, SH Develop a comprehensive communications strategy to engage all stakeholders (including households) with key sustainability initiatives, including water and energy efficiency Evidence gathering Growth, Infrastructure, Planning and Economy SH Work with Countywide stakeholders (e.g. District…
… programmes and policies. This includes: To inspire businesses and residents to act and thrive. This includes: residents to act and thrive. This includes: • How we manage our estate • How our staff travels • How we manage the land we own • How we manage our energy use in our buildings • Effective, safe and low carbon transport networks • Our planning policies • How we dispose of the county’s…
…: To identify and deliver on opportunities to modernise our sites and energy efficiency opportunities Delivering green energy in our operations: We will procure renewable energy from sustainable sources for all of our sites by 2022 To encourage sustainable travel in our business operations: We will review our business travel policy, encouraging and incentivising staff to utilise active travel…
… to better understand the carbon impact (including energy usage) of services used by Hertfordshire residents Medium Medium Resources and Performance ACS Offer incentives for council employees who run electric or low-carbon vehicles. Evidence gathering Resources and Performance ACS, E&I CRoW, SH Identify opportunities for rationalised larger estate to host solar panels or other energy…
…, Medium, High) Timescale (Short, Medium, Long) Property CS, RES Utilise energy performance and other data to assess the existing school estate and inform a further investment strategy High Long Resources and Performance E&I WMU, RES, LH Implementation of the HCC Energy Strategy including demand reduction, renewable energy procurement, energy generation, community and infrastructure…
… (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019’ = Energy Efcient Scotland Programme = Scottish Domestic Sustainability Building Handbook = Fuel Poverty (Targets, Defnition and Strategy) (Scotland) Act 2019 Housing 3 Waste & Circular Economy 4 Sustainable Travel 5 Sustainable Procurement 6 Biodiversity, Landscape & Greenspace 7 Climate Impacts, Risk & Adaptation…
… Dunbartonshire Net Zero Carbon Budget 20 Emissions reduction pathway to net zero 20 04 REVIEWING PROGRESS 23 Governance 23 Cross-cutting Policy 24 Inspiring change 24 Energy & Water & Assets 24 Housing 25 Waste & Circular Economy 25 Sustainable Travel 26 Sustainable Procurement 26 Biodiversity, Greenspace & Landscape 26 Climate Impacts, Risks & Adaptation 27 Schools &…
… be taken to begin a green and resilient COVID-19 recovery. The report highlights fve key investment priorities: 1. Low-carbon retrofts and buildings that are ft for the future; 2. Tree planting, peatland restoration, and green infrastructure 3. Strengthening energy networks; 4. Improving Infrastructure for walking, cycling and remote working; and 5. Moving towards a circular economy…
…. The report also highlighted key opportunities to support the UK’s workforce with behaviour change and innovation, including reskilling and training programmes; reinforcing climate positive behaviours, and research and innovation into low carbon and adaptation technologies. The Council recognises the urgency to integrate these priorities into service delivery for and with the public, and in working…
… = Making Things Last - A Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland = The Deposit and Return Scheme for Scotland Regulations 2020 = Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 = Climate Change (Duties of Public Bodies: Reporting Requirements) (Scotland) Order 2015 = ‘Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019’ = Scottish Government’s RPP3 (Low Carbon Scotland – Meeting our Emissions…
… ideas, research findings, information and best practice on carbon reduction and climate resilience. We will also work with communities and other stakeholders, and through the Climate Change Commission, to co-produce a shared action programme to the deliver emissions reduction targets for our area. (Action E1 – Appendix 2) iii) Engagement and Awareness Raising We will develop new ways to work…
…) Current Emissions in Perth & Kinross, and Greatest Opportunities for Change e) Shared Vision and Route map 2 Community Engagement, Empowerment, and Awareness a) Why This Is Important? b) What Are We Doing Now? c) What’s Next? 3 Climate Change Mitigation a) Introduction 4 Mitigation – Transport a) Why is this so important? b) What are we doing now? c) What’s next? 5…
…- this is what we need to do to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. This can be achieved by making our homes, businesses and transport more energy efficient, or switching to carbon neutral energy sources. It can also involve positive actions to enhance our ability to absorb or capture Carbon Dioxide (CO2) such as increasing our woodland cover, or the restoration of peatlands. 2. Adaptation…
… Committee on Climate Change estimated the additional annual cost to the economy of achieving net zero emissions is 1-2% of the country’s gross domestic product (currently £2 trillion) - therefore indicating that £20- 40 billion needs to be spent each year on carbon reduction, by 2050. Source: UK Committee of Climate Change…
… in the longer term. This study indicated that for each tonne of CO2 we emit, it causes damage worth at least $85, but emissions can be cut, at a cost of less than $25 a tonne. Figure 4 While climate change brings fearsome risks it also brings huge opportunities if we get our response right. The cost of mitigating and adapting to climate change is far outweighed by the economic benefits – in terms…
… with developers to ensure the highest standards for domestic and non-domestic buildings are achieved. We will need to consider a circular economy, a whole life carbon approach and ensure renewable heat energy sources are considered from the start. For non-residential properties this means considering BREEAM Excellent standards, which would place our developments in the top 10% of UK new non-domestic…
… that enable tenants to access green electricity. Mar-24 Ensure developments are built to a high energy standard and consider the climate agenda. Continue to request offset payments from developers and implement a Carbon Offset Fund through S.106. Ongoing Continue to ensure new council residential developments incorporate the provision of solar panels. Jun-21 Request Circular Economy statements, whole…
… in the New London Plan. Jun-21 Incorporate “Be seen” monitoring into planning conditions and/or S106 agreements to understand and monitor actual operational energy performance. Jun-21 Incorporate circular economy statements reporting into planning conditions and/or S106 agreements. Jun-21 Incorporate and monitor whole life-cycle carbon assessments (WLCA) reporting into planning conditions…
… and/or S106 agreements. Jun-21 Update the Local Planning Application Requirement List to incorporate New London Plan policies on “Be Seen” energy monitoring, Circular economy statements and Whole Life-cycle carbon assessments on all major new developments. Jun-21 Request climate impact assessments on planning applications. These will be reviewed at time of Local Plan review. Jun-21 Appoint…
… opportunities for developing a Green and Blue Infrastructure Plan. Oct-21 CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN | June 2021 p17 PROPERTY AND ENERGY ACTION PLAN ACTION PLAN COMMITMENT Timescale Ensure developments are built to a high energy standard and consider the climate agenda. Assess the merits of current and forthcoming BREEAM programmes and consider how this can be applied to the council’s developments…
… people are key to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the longer term. They will inherit our legacy and live with the consequences of climate change. Working closely with young people now will help ensure that sustainability behaviours and climate awareness are taken forward into adulthood. We need to embrace their energy and enthusiasm and enable, rather than stifle, their ideas…
… Wealth LDC Action Area: • Energy & the built environment LDC Action Area: • All action areas and cross-cutting themes LDC Action Area: • Agriculture & Food LDC Action Area: • Cross-cutting themes • Circular economy & Community Wealth LDC Action Area: • Biodiversity • Water LDC Action Area: • Sustainable Transport & Air Quality • Biodiversity LDC Action Area…
…: • Cross-cutting theme • Energy & the built environment LDC Action Area: • Biodiversity LDC Action Area: • Cross cutting theme and part of the green, post covid recovery LDC Action Area: • Circular Economy & Community Wealth • Energy & the built environment LDC Action Area: • Circular Economy & Community Wealth LDC Action Area: • Not specifically mentioned LDC…
… Action Area: • All action areas and cross-cutting themes LDC Action Area: • Cross-cutting themes • Expert Panel • Climate Action Forum • Circular Economy & Community Wealth LDC Action Area: • Water LDC Action Area: • Circular Economy & Community Wealth • Energy & the built environment • Reducing emissions from waste Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy 14…
… and action plan in place to reduce these • Community investment in our projects has been enabled Climate Emergency Declared NET ZERO CARBON DIESEL GAS ELECTRICITY 2030 Baseline 1,590 tonnes CO2e 55% 22% 23% Agriculture and Food Water Biodiversity Circular Economy and Community Wealth Sustainable Transport and Air Quality Reducing Emissions from Waste Energy and the Built…
… part in addressing a global emergency. Together, we must all take action now. Cllr Emma Crane Climate Change Champion 4Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council Workplaces and Economy Adaptation Transport Waste, Resources and the Circular Economy Homes and Energy Natural Environment OUR NET ZERO VISION ‘Rugby is an environmentally sustainable place where we work together…
…. Workplaces and Economy Adaptation Transport Waste, Resources and the Circular Economy Homes and Energy Natural Environment Climate and Nature Positive Communities 12Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN The following action plan provides a clear statement of our 2030 goals and how we will deliver them. These goals will be integrated into all aspects of the work…
… and implement education programmes to ensure that our tenants understand how to use new technologies that are introduced. We will consider, and where appropriate act on, opportunities for green energy supply to Council owned housing, for example through the installation of solar photovoltaic cells. Ongoing • Audit complete and agreed • Carbon Management Plan agreed • Number of adaptations made • Carbon…
…, take advantage of the opportunities to reduce emissions and embed sustainable environmental principles in all aspects of our day-to-day work. 14Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council WORKPLACES AND THE ECONOMY Our 2030 Goals: The Borough will benefit from environmentally friendly workplaces, where businesses play their part in helping the Borough become net zero by 2050. The Borough…
… will benefit from non-residential buildings reaching net zero by 2030. The Borough will benefit from an economy that has adapted to climate change and is maximising the opportunities to become a hub for green businesses. The Borough will benefit from workplaces which are able to adapt and become resilient to future climate change. We will lead by example by ensuring that the Council’s operations are net zero…
… and zero waste shops. Make waste reduction pledges. Promote the circular economy with repair shops, swap shops and nappy libraries for example. Encourage food waste collection in homes, businesses, schools and Council buildings. Raise awareness on waste reduction and recycling amongst residents and businesses. Consider pricing mechanisms to incentivise waste reduction…
… products: concrete, steel, virgin aggregates Awareness of sustainable consumption Circular economy Supply chain to provide sustainable refillable solutions Pricing mechanism to incentivise reduction/recycling Raise awareness on waste reduction and recycling among residents and businesses Promote sustainable meal options through Council’s catering contracts Set up more…
…. Money is less important – people are socially fulfilled. Local employment opportunities – including shared working spaces. We won’t have a green economy – it’ll just be the economy. Public money for good. 3. Action ideas and initial assessment At this point, the participants all moved seats and sat at tables with different themes depending on their particular area of interest…
…. Ensure that the energy infrastructure can accommodate the increase in electricity demand/ reduction in gas demand/ transition to green gas. Facilitate local training programmes to address the skills gap for installing low carbon technologies. Enforce standards for existing stock (eg Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards – MEES). Future proof developments through planning: design houses…
… and recycling. Review Council’s internal purchasing rules to minimise waste generation across its estate. Promote sustainable meal options through the Council’s catering contracts. Lobby national Government to promote the circular economy and subsidise sustainable products through national legislation. This needs to be accessible: link to awareness. Sustainable procurement of industrial…
… Local Impacts Page 11-12 Three Rivers District Council Climate Emergency and Sustainability Strategy Page 14-27 Enable And Engage Page 14 Energy Page 15 Sustainable Design And Construction Page 16 Efficiency of Existing Buildings Page 17 Sustainable Travel And Air Quality Page 19 Waste And A Circular Economy Page 20 Biodiversity Page 22 Water And Flooding Page 25 Adaptation…
… by a changing climate. Finally, and significantly, the Strategy aims to create communities, services, infrastructure and ecosystems that are resilient to the unavoidable impacts of climate change by increasing awareness of these impacts among residents and businesses, future-proofing council services and assets, adapting the natural and built environment, and fostering local food, energy and water…
… to the recurring criticism that some of the language and terminology used in the Strategy was not accessible, the Strategy was edited to include a ‘Glossary of Key Terms’ in the Supplementary Document where specialist terms such as ‘decentralised energy’ and ‘circular economy’ are fully-defined. 4 Background - Why We Need This Strategy The scientific evidence that climate change…
… by 11.3%9. Nevertheless, the trend of emissions reductions is only temporary, with emissions expected to rebound in 2021 and beyond as nations eagerly pursue economic recovery. Simply reviving the existing carbon-intensive, extractive economy will exacerbate the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and the consequent risk of recurring pandemics. Post-crisis recovery programmes thus present a once…
… rise to 1.5°C to avoid the worst social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change and safeguard the planet for future generations will require radical action at all levels of government and society, and in every economic sector across the world. A post-pandemic Green Recovery presents a once-in-a- generation opportunity to redesign our economies and societies to be more resilient…
… rates to drive more rapid adoption of energy efficiency upgrades and sustainable practices Housing, Planning, Buildings & Infrastructure - Reduce carbon emissions in District. - Support behaviour change. 3 Sep 2022 Audit recycling sites and ability for residents to recycle the ‘unrecyclables’ in the District Waste, Resources and Circular Economy - Reduce carbon emissions…
… collection and processing Waste, Resources and Circular Economy - Reduce carbon emissions in District. 2 Mar 2022 Support the Surrey Air Alliance with their action plan Transport & Air Quality - Support behaviour change. - Improve District's air quality. 2 Ongoing Scope installation of renewable energy generators in the District (e.g. battery storage, wind, solar…
…. Waste, Resources and Circular Economy Work with other government authorities and businesses to strengthen producer responsibility and practical, innovative and effective methods guidance for consumers to reduce waste generated, particularly food. Use education and best practice sharing to drive significant behaviour change within the District and the adoption of more sustainable…
… 7. Industry and Green Economy Utilise digital technology and develop relevant skills amongst our workforce to support the creation of green technologies, jobs and products in the District. Pursue energy efficiency improvements in local industry and businesses that reduce consumption and decarbonise energy usage. 6. Land Use and Food Systems Working with the agricultural…
… April 2021 – March 20301 Action Priorities 1 – High Red action (following scoping) anticipated to substantially reduce carbon emissions 2 – Medium Amber action (following scoping) anticipated to moderately reduce carbon emissions 3 – Low Green action (following scoping) anticipated to result in minor reduction in carbon emissions Mitigation action anticipated to help adapt to future…
… .............................................................................................................. 4 An urgent need for change 4 The national picture 5 H&F acts 5 Opportunity from a green economy 6 The borough’s greenhouse gas emissions 7 The scope of H&F’s net zero targets 9 Framework .............................................................................................................. 11 2030 Vision 11 Principles 11 Summary of the five climate challenges 12…
… ......................................................................................... 20 1. Homes, buildings and energy 21 2. Travel 24 3. Things we use 27 4. Ecology 30 5. Adapting to a changing climate 33 Enabling action ...................................................................................................... 36 Engagement, education and influence 36 Finance and decision-making 38 Green Economy 40 3 Strategy on a page Vision…
… renewable energy. We’ve initiated a programme of energy efficiency retrofitting for our council homes, schools and premises, and are supporting fuel-poor residents to improve their homes. We’ve expanded our electric vehicle charging network to be one of the largest in the UK, aiming to have 1,000 installed by the end of 2021, and we’re replacing our fleet with electric vehicles. We’ve rolled out…
… Development Goals for 2030. This plan aims to deliver net zero by 2030, compliant with and exceeding the UK’s legally binding 2050 target and the Mayor of London’s 2050 target. It aligns with the London Environment Strategy, contributing to its aims on climate mitigation and adaptation, circular economy and waste, air quality and green infrastructure. It also aligns with seven cross-London…
… within eight key workstreams, which have informed the council’s strategy: • Built infrastructure • Transport • Ecology • Energy • Waste and the circular economy • Finance • Food • Health In developing its recommendations the commission held a public engagement event at the Lyric Theatre in February 2020, at which residents proposed a wide range of actions for the borough…
…, the Panel considered the work of the Council and its partner organisations to reduce the scale and impacts of climate change on the East Riding. This helped the Panel to understand existing approaches to reducing carbon emissions, adapting to the impacts of climate change and capitalising on the potential economic and environmental opportunities for the Council and its residents including…
… attracting the green energy sector to the region. The Panel found that the Council had a number of policies and strategies in place that individually looked to reduce carbon emissions or adapt to the impacts of climate change. However, the Panel considered that the Council needed an overarching Climate Change Strategy that could allow for a more co-ordinated response and that could clearly…
… change is often viewed in a negative light, there were economic opportunities associated with the solutions, such as the generation of renewable energy. As the Humber region had attracted many global companies, such as Orsted and Siemens, the Panel considered that the Council should capitalise on the employment and income generating opportunities they bring and encourage more businesses…
… to the area. There were also funding opportunities available to the Council that the Panel were keen to see accessed for projects such as heat networks. The Council had already accessed many Government grants and the Panel wanted to see greater utilisation of technology to reduce carbon emissions and encourage residents to explore opportunities for energy relate property level improvements…
… the Council can act to minimise the risks and take advantage of the opportunities. The review related to the following corporate priorities: Growing the Economy Protecting the Vulnerable Valuing the Environment The review considered: (i) The likely impacts of climate change on the East Riding (including its residents and businesses) and Council operations and services; (ii) What…
… from others including the council’s own work programmes. Objectives z New buildings, including homes, to be net zero carbon and adaptable to climate change as soon as possible (including measures such as water efficiency) z Existing buildings in all sectors to be retrofitted to improve energy efficiency and decrease energy demand through low carbon technology z New and existing…
… an opportunity for a case study on retrofitting a historic building Photo: Castle Combe Historic Environment Recent research by Historic England (2019) and others shows how historic buildings can be retrofitted to help meet climate aims. Warm and Safe Wiltshire A fair and just transition is a key principle of the strategy. Warm and Safe Wiltshire provides home energy efficiency advice and grants…
… In October 2019, Wiltshire was named by Friends of the Earth as the most climate-friendly local authority area in England and Wales z Energy consumption from streetlighting is being reduced by two thirds thanks to a £12 million LED programme Significant progress has already been achieved since 2019, as reported to Cabinet and Council through six-monthly reports. We recognise however…
… for strong government action. This high-level strategy sets out our objectives and areas of focus while remaining flexible. As the world around us evolves in terms of knowledge, legislation and policy, technology and the market, we will adapt to take advantage of these opportunities. Detailed delivery plans will be developed, and in recognition that we are facing an emergency, we are already taking…
… Homes and the Built Environment New buildings need to be net zero carbon as soon as possible, using less energy and running on low carbon sources of electricity and heat. Existing buildings need to be retrofitted along the same principles. All buildings also need to be able to cope with the impacts of climate…
… campaigns, providing separate collection for recycling and food waste, and implementing waste-to-energy schemes that link back into the net zero agenda. One essential action will be identifying how the Council can adopt circular economy principles into its decision-making framework, identifying how waste across the borough can be minimised. 7. Climate Adaptation: We have a crucial role in increasing…
… awareness across the Transport Team regarding net zero carbon programmes and adoption on Interim Transport Plan. Transport Team. Ongoing. 1.1.6. Develop a Funding Plan that maximises opportunities to secure private sector finance and grants to deliver our Green City programme (identify how green bonds, policy performance bonds, green loans, commercial debt and equity etc…
… estate. Establish a baseline for carbon reduction targets. Understand opportunities to improve air quality. Energy and Sustainability Team, Property and Asset Management Team, and Air Quality Specialist. Q4. 2021 2.1.2. Develop a priority investment plan to reduce carbon emissions across the borough’s educational estate (to include academy schools). Engage…
… their carbon footprint. Cost: Low Increased awareness of the climate crisis and energy efficiency measures across households in Southend. Energy and Sustainability Team and Air Quality Specialist. Ongoing 2.2.2. Identify opportunities to join the Essex Energy Switch and Solar Together schemes. Approval to join the Essex Energy Switch and Solar Together…
… and St Mary’s Primary School. Cost: Budget in Capital Programme. Installation of solar PV projects and development of proposition for residents. Energy and Sustainability Team (EMPOWER 2.0 project). Q2. 2021 2.2.7. Identify how the current planning policies can be adapted to require all new dwellings to be built to zero carbon standards. Zero Carbon…
… that are already involved in, or moving towards ‘circular economy’ principles or trading in the low-carbon and environmental goods sector • Household waste and recycling – we can influence how much of the borough’s waste is recycled and how energy efficient the collection service is. • Greening the borough – we can directly influence how ‘green’ Sandwell becomes • Behavioural change – we can influence…
… to consider adapting their operations to reflect the transition to renewable sources of energy. 19 | Corporate Climate Change Action Plan Businesses also need to adopt models which are compatible with a ‘circular economy’, which means materials stay in circulation for longer, reducing the need for disposal, as well as the emissions associated with producing raw materials. Sandwell…
… strategic approach to community engagement, we also need to develop a Communications Strategy, taking into account not only varied ways to send out messages, but the need to adapt them to suit different audiences. Who is responsible Climate Change Programme Team Timescale – community engagement supports the borough’s 2041 net zero target Energy How to reduce emissions The generation…
… emissions from new homes 17 Reducing emissions from businesses 17 Reducing emissions from household waste 18 Community Engagement 19 Energy 20 Off-setting 22 Adapting to the impacts of climate change 23 Air Quality 24 Natural Environment 25 Strategic Partnership 26 Resources 26 Financing climate change activities 27…
… emissions. Despite the massive shock to the economy caused by the pandemic, emissions only reduced by 5% - 7% - to reach 2041, our emissions need to decrease by 13% every year. We will not get to absolute zero carbon emissions and so it is vital that we find ways to absorb some of the borough’s emissions, whilst remembering that emission reductions must be our top priority, rather than seeing…
… it as appropriate for local authorities to set sectoral carbon budgets for their areas2. We aim to take a pragmatic approach to supporting carbon reduction county-wide by prioritising the areas where we have the greatest opportunity to make positive change. This focus area covers the following thematic areas: • Transport • Building and planning • Commercial and industrial sector • Energy • Digital…
… securing quality jobs like these jobs for Norfolk. Our strategic priority here is to help Norfolk to get equipped with the skills to harness the opportunities of the green economy. Focus area 5: Adapting to climate change As outlined earlier, we are already starting to feel the impacts of climate change and the risks to Norfolk’s communities and natural places are set to intensify over the coming…
… of actions taken in response to the actual or expected effects of climate change. The Climate Change Act 2008 requires the government to produce a UK Climate Change Risk Assessment to identify risks and opportunities facing the UK from climate change. This must be followed by a National Adaptation Programme (NAP) setting out the actions that central government and others will take to adapt…
… collaboratively, looking at all aspects of our community and how we can adapt to mitigate the risks. This includes promoting sustainable land use practices, encouraging the use of renewable energy, developing sustainable transport solutions, and protecting vulnerable people and communities. As a coastal county, Norfolk is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and this strategy…
… acknowledges this. Equally, we have huge assets, from green energy to green tourism. We recognise the 03 importance of working with the private sector, other local authorities and regional partners to address shared challenges and opportunities and ensure a coordinated response to climate change. I am confident that this strategy provides a roadmap for building a more sustainable and resilient…
… residents and businesses We aim to reduce waste and support sustainable consumption and production, through a more circular economy. We want to discourage wasteful lifestyles that create environmental problems both here and abroad, on land and in the marine environment. E7 Improve recycling knowledge and practices in Allerdale including awareness of service…
… recycling iii - electrical repair and recycling iv - furniture reuse v - deposit return scheme (bottles) c) promote Sustainable Food Action Plans d) consider reduction in residual waste collection container volume in line with national initiative E10 Minimisation of residual waste at source a) raise awareness of staff and public on waste minimisation and recycling b) work on a waste minimisation…
… to Allerdale Waste reduction We cannot easily recycle our way out of the strain on natural resources and the quantity of waste that is currently produced locally. New solutions to reduce single-use items and unnecessary products that soon end up as waste are needed. · Awareness campaigns to lead to minimisation of residual waste · Promote re-use and recycling initiatives · Create additional…
… against which it will be possible to measure and report on changes as the work progresses). The Council is participating in the project to determine the level of need to decarbonise public sector buildings in the North West, funded by the Local Energy Hub and government, which is intended to lead to a programme of activity based on the identification of urgent need for remedial action, and through…
… use of technology to decarbonise our operations. Actions Activity A1 Reduction in the impact of climate change on our services and community Assess the risk associated with climate change for the Council Services and our communities and produce plan to adapt accordingly…
… areas: air quality; green infrastructure; climate change mitigation and energy; waste; adapting to climate change; ambient noise; and, low carbon circular economy. A set of strategies and initiatives have been developed in order to address the causes of climate change and ensure London can adapt to a changing climate. These include: Accelerate delivery of a cleaner, greener London through the London…
… on how we will encourage better recycling and develop our waste service to reduce carbon. But we will also encourage sharing, reuse and repair for our residents too. We aim to reduce the carbon impact of waste management using circular economy principles. Since the declaration we have: ● Started recycling the material collected from our road sweeping machines ● Introduced a booking system and fair…
… and opportunities from climate change for business, infrastructure, housing, and the natural environment. There is a need to prepare services to deliver for the needs of the community as weather patterns change. Therefore adaptation measures cover many of the climate change themes, while promoting the need to provide secure and affordable energy, food, water, and transport, which enables the community to operate…
… Budget, which describes the path to net zero for the UK. The recommended pathway requires a 78% reduction in UK emissions between 1990 and 2035 through four steps: ● people and businesses to adopt low-carbon solutions (i.e. new cars and vans, boiler replacements in homes, buildings to be low-carbon, waste reduction and circular economy, renewable electricity or hydrogen); ● expansion of low-carbon…
… to deliver a Green New Deal which seeks to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies and improve air quality by doubling the size of London's green economy by 2030 to accelerate job creation for all. This can be enforced through the Good Work for All mission, the London Plan 2021 provides a planning framework for sustainable development, the Energy for Londoners programme aiming to make London’s homes…
… economy. Enhance the low carbon economy and expand local green skills and jobs Clean and Affordable Energy Priority: Increase availability, affordability and use of low and zero carbon energy Goal 1: Harness opportunities for the local generation and distribution of renewable energy. Goal 2: Empower homeowners, tenants, and landlords to use energy from low and zero carbon sources…
… on climate change to achieve the ambitious target of achieving net zero emissions across the borough by 2040. In doing so, it seeks to harness the significant benefits of climate action to the health and wellbeing of our communities, economy, and natural environment. The Plan aims to accelerate carbon emission reductions and associated improvements in air quality across the city, through…
… 2040 › Carbon management hierarchy Challenges and opportunities › A net zero vision for Westminster › Commitments and guiding principles › Enabling climate action › Consultation › Ongoing engagement and collaboration Commitment and collaboration › Evidence-driven approach › Priority emissions goals and actions › Finance and funding › Monitoring and evaluation…
… improved quality of life to residents A safer, healthier more resilient city with reduced waste and air pollution A cleaner, resource efficient city with reduced fuel poverty Sustainable and more affordable energy and water Better homes and offices and an efficient, cleaner transport network Better jobs, a more inclusive economy, and enhanced green skills and education Local green…
… AND INTRODUCTION COMMITMENT AND COLLABORATION 11% reduction in our total carbon emissions over the last 2 years 11 reduction in our carbon intensity (t/CO2e per full time employee) across our estate and operations since 2018/19 from 23.72 21.03 tonnes to electrify our waste servicing vehicle fleet, powered by energy from the city’s own waste committed more than 1,000 electric vehicle charging…
… To have completed a retrofit programme to realise the maximum emissions reductions on the council’s residential dwellings to achieve an average SAP C in energy performance across all properties SG 3 To have established and completed a carbon neutral action plan for the council’s public and operational estates FOCUS: the efficient use of power and water in our district’s buildings, towns…
… information; the variety can be a bit overwhelming. There is a role for the Council to offer good basic advice and reliable signposting to help residents and businesses. Websites; Partnerships; programmes; social media data Key Priority - mainstream renewable energy Public awareness of the variety, impacts and benefits of renewable energy options needs to be addressed in order to encourage wider…
… and health benefits, including carbon reductions. Develop Water Stewardship and Waterways Strategy, identifying mixed opportunities for re- wilding; economic regeneration; agricultural water stewardship; mobility solutions (on and alongside water) and energy generation potentials. The Water Stewardship and Waterways Strategy is delivering on identified opportunity and the council will review…
… contained in commissioned reports and studies, aligned to the District Council’s Environmental Strategy and Local Plan Review. 4 district and county-wide survey results and the work of professional and academic networks. 4 lessons learned from partnership delivery of recent projects and long-running services, including the sustainable energy focused domestic and business support programmes. 4…
… and villages. BUILT ENVIRONMENT TH EM ES IN TR O D U C TIO N N EX T STEPS PAGE 10 l STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL l THE 2030 STRATEGY MASTER PLAN OUR COMMITMENTS 2020-23 2023-27 2027-30 RATIONALE INDICATORS OF SUCCESS… EX EM PL A R in o ur o w n op er at io ns BE1 Efficiency Programme Linked to E1, M2 Review council owned building stock for energy and water efficiency…
…. Biodiversity Protect and increase biodiversity. 6. Engagement Collaborate, educate and engage with others to take climate action. 7. Waste Reduce waste, support a circular economy and sustainable food production. 8. Adaptation Adapt to our changing climate. How you can help As your council, it is our duty to rapidly reduce our levels of pollution and do all we can…
… and retention of jobs - Diversification of industry - Development and reduction in cost of low carbon technologies - Boosted local economy Retrofitting homes - by improving energy efficiency and upgrading to renewables, making them warmer and less dependent on dirty expensive energy. - Reduced energy bills - Increased energy security and independence - Warmer, healthier homes…
… biodiversity. 6. Engagement Collaborate, educate and engage with others to take climate action. 7. Waste Reduce waste, support a circular economy and sustainable food production. 8. Adaptation Adapt to our changing climate. These objectives were chosen to best reflect the main areas that local authorities can influence to reduce emissions internally and across the local area…
… pumps and solar panels for renewable energy, as well as a new roof and many other insulation measures. The council have agreed to transition our fleet over to new HVO biofuel, which will help to make significant reductions estimated at up to 30% of our carbon footprint. We have also been named as the first Carbon Literate authority in Lancashire, following the roll out of Carbon Literacy…
… assistance to adapt to new markets. Tourism - Higher temperatures will change tourism patterns. 21 Opportunities for Wyre Positive outcomes from creating a sustainable borough 22 Opportunities for Wyre Whilst tackling climate change presents many challenges, it also provides a unique opportunity to shift away from our dependency on dirty…