Including the related terms circular economy principles, and circular economy programme.
… programme for all staff to raise the profile of 2030 target and staff engagement in energy and waste reduction Understand staff attitudes and awareness of challenges for business and service area around carbon neutral economy and society Identify opportunities for communicating/ raising awareness of target and decarbonisation, through internal event programmes Continue to use the Hull…
… with access to a rich natural environment that plays a key role in the biodiversity of the wider Humber Estuary and the UK. Hull, like the rest of the UK and the world, is at a cross roads in the journey from a place built on a fossil fuel economy to one built on renewable energy and production circularity. Our city has already chosen its direction through recent inward investment and its 2030…
… planes or biofuels. We will need to increase energy efficiency in the way we manufacture goods, reusing heat from processes so we get the most value from it. Develop a circular 16-V14-FINAL economy approach to the design, manufacture and reuse of products and resources so we get the most value from them. Switch to different fuels for processes and where we need to use carbon based…
… investment in the city to align with the recommendations of the National Infrastructure Commission Develop Circular Economy strategy for the city 9-V14-FINAL Place Hull is home to 260,000 residents covering an area of 71.5 square kilometres and serves a travel to work community of over 515,0002. It is the location for circa 8,000 businesses…
… carbon neutral target to instigate the transition to a place able to take full advantage of the opportunities and productivity benefits derived from carbon neutral based place-making. Hull is playing a vital role in leading the carbon neutral change in the Humber as its key city, and within the north of England. We are already leading in the offshore wind industry powering the UK renewable…
… the key principle of a “sustainable and Green Recovery providing the opportunity to ‘build back better’”, and Climate Change is a consideration in the report. National policy update 3.7 The Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan update setting out their policies and procedures for reaching Net Zero, initially expected in April 2020, was delayed due to COVID and was very recently published…
… on year, despite significant population growth. However, this will need to be reviewed in the context of the growth agenda and whether a relative benchmark is more appropriate, with significant increases in the Council’s estate coming forward including new schools and community centres, and in the context of our ongoing asset review programme and opportunities around decarbonisation of energy…
…:// through the supply chain and sub-contractors. The Policy was developed with input and feedback from Zero Waste Scotland through their capacity building mentoring programme undertaken by ProCirc, which supports public bodies to embed circular procurement and deliver circular economy and sustainable outcomes, with an emphasis…
…) which sets out the principles of sustainability (including carbon emissions reduction) that will be expected of businesses/companies tendering for Council contracts. Planning Service commissioned a 'ClimatEvolution' Strategy, with the assessment criteria including how the consultancy would consider climate change issues (reducing / offsetting greenhouse gas emissions; climate adaptation…
… Community Centre and a programme of water meter size reductions. • Consideration is being given to Kinwegar and John Muir House for future LED projects. Further progress on energy efficiency projects has been hampered by COVID. However the Penston PV installation is progressing and is hoped to be completed by the end of 2020. Ongoing projects include External Wall Insulated Render works to 72Nr…
… economy culture Raise awareness throughout Shetland Islands Council of the importance of sustainable procurement in addressing climate change, working towards creating a culture that supports a circular economy. Outcome: We have an active Procurement Network, with all managers and officers who engage with procurement understanding the impact of procurement on climate change targets. Code…
… Future Energy Due Date 31-Mar-2027 Douglas Irvine Completed Date Likely to meet target Code & Title Description Dates Progress Progress Statement CC073 Funding opportunities The transition to Net Zero will cost a significant amount of money, it will be necessary to secure external funding and advice in support of energy transition projects. Identify external funding sources, raise awareness…
…, place-based working, with a focus on climate and alignment with net zero targets. Planned Start 01-Apr-2023 Actual Start Lead Original Due Date 31-Mar-2027 Expected success Environment and Estate Operations Due Date 31-Mar-2027 Carl Symons Completed Date Likely to meet target Code & Title Description Dates Progress Progress Statement CC013 Development Principles Expand on the Energy…
…: There is a strong knowledge and understanding of national and regional best practice. SIC is represented at relevant networks. 7 Code & Title Description Dates Progress Progress Statement CC021 National policy Horizon scan national policy with an eye to incoming climate change policy. Take note of statutory obligations, opportunities for advancement and adaptation required. Contribute…
… Dates Progress Progress Statement CC026 PPS meets net zero Undertake a campaign to raise awareness of staff developing strategies, plans, programmes and projects to evaluate all new Strategies, Plans, Programmes, and projects on the basis: "How and how well does this help the Council meet its Net Zero targets?" Provide information and support to staff in integrating climate change…
… STAKEHOLDERS BACKGROUND/DESCRIPTION Accelerate reduction in indirect emissions Increase carbon capture Accelerate adaptation Establish a food forum/network Develop a tree strategy for Wirral Set up a climate adaptation group and develop a local adaptation programme Food production, consumption and waste have an impact on climate. There are many food related initiatives in or relevant…
… measures. Awareness sessions will initially be held with Councillors to introduce the Cool 2 strategy and highlight the scale of the local challenge. In parallel funding opportunities to progress a wider carbon literacy programme will be explored. Despite efforts initiated under the Cool (2014-19) strategy, there is limited awareness of local work on climate change. There is a need for much…
… for recycling. WISER DECISIONS DIRECTION OF TRAVEL - Reduction in the impact of our diet on climate - Reduction in meat consumption particularly the consumption of beef and lamb where rearing livestock has a higher climate impact - Shift to a lower energy intensity diet e.g. consumption of local and seasonal food - Shift to a zero waste ‘circular economy’ - Elimination of waste by design…
… Prioritise transport interventions that support rapid decarbonisation of travel Develop ‘The Loop: Wirral’ circular economy programme Existing transport policies and programmes do not reflect the scale and urgency of the changes needed to address the climate emergency. A challenge is to make sustainable transport a natural, convenient and safe option by giving sustainable modes - walking…
… of such activities and technologies ‘The Loop: Wirral’ circular economy programme will be developed to promote and accelerate circular practices and provide incubator space to nurture businesses developing circular technologies and approaches. Wirral Council, Transport Steering Group, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Merseytravel, bus and train operators Wirral Council, Merseyside…
… activities to encourage interventions to meet the challenge. Accelerate reduction in indirect emissions Develop ‘The Loop: Wirral’ circular economy programme The way the economy presently operates has been characterised as a ‘linear economy’ in which natural resources are taken, transformed, used for a relatively short period of time and then discarded as ‘waste’. This environmentally…
… to help develop understanding about the scale of the challenge locally and the impact of different measures. Awareness sessions will initially be held with Councillors to introduce the Cool 2 strategy and highlight the scale of the local challenge. In parallel funding opportunities to progress a wider carbon literacy programme will be explored. Accelerate climate understanding Maintain…
… and business case now need to be developed. Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, North West Energy Hub, Wirral Waters - Peel Land and Property, Peel Energy, Wirral Council Feasibility report April 2020 Accelerate sustainable energy transition Identify further renewable energy opportunities The potential for local renewable generation was investigated partially…
… with the active involvement of multiple parties. Some pioneering businesses are already actively adopting circular practices and/or developing technologies that will assist. To increase the uptake of such activities and technologies ‘The Loop: Wirral’ circular economy programme will be developed to promote and accelerate circular practices and provide incubator space to nurture businesses developing…
… Timescale Accelerate adaptation Set up a climate adaptation group and develop a local adaptation programme Some work on adaptation was initiated in support of the Cool (2014-19) strategy, but there has been a greater focus on reducing emissions. To ensure adaptation is given greater attention, an adaptation subgroup of the Cool Wirral partnership will be established to bring together…
… Homes and Buildings Key Priority Area 2: Opportunities for Sustainable Energy and Heat Key Priority Area 3: Climate Adaptation: Climate Ready Buildings Outcome 4: A Resource Efficient and Sustainable East Lothian and the route to Zero Waste We will work towards a Zero Waste and Sustainable East Lothian, a place of social equity underpinned by sustainability, promoting the Circular Economy…
…; o To help deliver Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation programme; and o To act in the way it considers is most sustainable. The Act also set targets for: o Energy efficiency, including promoting energy from renewable sources; o Waste reduction and recycling. The Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan 2018–2032: The Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan7 details the path Scotland…
…, ensuring the next generation has the resources they need to thrive Key Priority Area 1: Waste Reduction and Recycling Key Priority Area 2: Circular Economy Key Priority Area 3: Reducing Litter and Plastic Waste Outcome 5: A Low Carbon and Sustainable Economy East Lothian will have Scotland’s most sustainable and digitally connected local economy, with thriving, low carbon and sustainable…
… businesses and training opportunities, at the heart of vibrant local communities, contributing towards a sustainable, fair and equitable East Lothian Key Priority Area 1: Businesses and the Local Economy Key Priority Area 2: Thriving Town and Rural Centres Key Priority Area 3: Climate Adaptation: Climate Ready Businesses Outcome 6: A Healthy and Resilient Natural Environment and the route…
… and Placemaking Key Priority Area 2: Planning for New Developments Key Priority Area 3: Local Food Growing Key Priority Area 4: Awareness Raising and Engagement Key Priority Area 5: Climate Adaptation: Climate Ready Communities 6 Going Forward East Lothian Council has made huge progress in respect of emissions reduction, year on year, despite significant population growth. In 2018/19…
… carbon reduction initiatives below will be further developed as part of the wider emissions reduction plan and brought for political consideration as appropriate: Adopting a Circular Economy Approach to manage the Council’s Operational Estate: A circular economy approach will allow assets (equipment, plant, fabric, etc) which still have residual value to be identified, recovered and where…
… 2 Report Council’s emissions reduction plan 2. Executive Summary 2.1 The report sets out an initial pathway to net-zero for the City of Edinburgh Council by 2030 by targeting the Councils major emissions sources; energy (buildings and lighting), waste, fleet and transport. 2.2 The plan sets out the Council’s strategic approach to reducing its corporate emissions…
… on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. Looking beyond the current take-make-waste extractive industrial model, a circular economy aims to redefine growth, focusing on positive society-wide benefits. (Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation) Climate Change Climate change is a large-scale, long-term shift in the planet's…
… for heat and are built to the highest standards, enabling Edinburgh to become an exemplar early adopter of the Net Zero Carbon Public Sector Buildings Standard. In re-configuring existing buildings to support 20-minute neighbourhoods, the Council will bring forward a programme of deep energy retrofit of its operational estate, seeking opportunities for collaboration with public sector partners…
… efficiency/demand reduction' innovations and technology to minimise energy use and to reduce overheating: Some energy saving Building Management Systems (BMS) initiatives are already being carried out. This would be an extension to the existing initiatives but on a more granular level and is suggested to look into low-cost 'quick wins'. 'Smart' technology can enable better and more efficient…
… issues comprehensively Tackling the climate and ecological emergency requires action across a number of different and complex environmental issues, ranging from: carbon reduction; water conservation, cleaner air, healthy and active travel, biodiversity loss, greener spaces, adapting to global heating, warm homes, reducing waste and growing the green and circular economy. The challenge…
… communities to ensure that Brent secures funding from existing and future national and regional programmes for carbon reduction, energy efficiency, waste reduction, air quality, sustainable urban drainage, biodiversity and tree planting (amongst other things). Innovative and creative thinking on fundraising to deliver climate-friendly programmes will also be required by the council and its…
…-reduction-and-recycling-plan 14 3. Enhancing the Low Carbon Circular Economy Underpinning this is the need for Brent, and all of London, to move towards a low carbon, circular economy. This would involve a radical shift away from our current linear economy and ‘throwaway culture’ where products are made used disposed to one in which resources and products are kept in use for as long…
…:// 17 Key Theme 2 – Transport 2. Moving away from petrol and diesel vehicles Fewer cars on the road and fewer trips means significant carbon emission reductions and cleaner air. The North Circular Road cuts…
…. It is not all about avoiding catastrophe. The climate and ecological crisis provides an immediate opportunity for positive social, economic and environmental change both nationally and locally through a transition to a net zero carbon economy, a cleaner and greener environment and a fairer and healthier society. However, this will only be possible if all aspects of communities are on board…
…. There will be roles for new partnerships on investment and ownership models. The council’s commercial investment strategy already recognises the opportunity to align with energy strategy objectives in the county. We are committed to move to align our treasury investment with environmental and social governance best practice. spotlight on… Resilience and the Circular Economy A ‘circular economy’ is one which…
… rely on us to pave the way through research and development partnerships that unlock new opportunities. Everyone can expect us to achieve real carbon emissions reductions: offsetting is an option of last resort. Take action now Our actions embody an ‘energy hierarchy’ approach to ensure best value and reduce demand. Generate Design in energy saving from the outset • New best practice…
… “direct” or “scope 1 and 2” emissions) Include pass/fail sustainability pre-screening questions Apply sustainability, innovation and circular economy principles at the outset and in our soft market testing for major contracts. Over 80% of the Council’s spend is with our 25 biggest suppliers. By working with those suppliers, we have the greatest ability to influence the carbons emissions…
… for staff Integrate climate action into the business planning for all services Publish emissions reporting 2 Carbon neutral by 2030 Publish our property strategy to enable estate rationalisation and enhanced investment to reduce carbon emissions Develop an invest-to-save programme for energy efficiency and generation Review natural carbon management opportunities on our estate Develop…
…. Other engagement initiatives like Oxfordshire Open Thought Support the Local Industrial Strategy to position Oxfordshire as a leader in clean growth Support cross-sector innovation to move towards a circular economy Participate in an Oxfordshire cross-council climate group to join up our actions Support policies that enable zero- carbon developments within…
… public realm Citizen-oriented Circular Economy and Sharing Economy Initiatives Walkability, cycleability and demography-led clean transit links Behaviour change for zero carbon living Carbon neutral retrofit and new-build for residents and industries 21st Century energy supply challenge mission sectors projects 10 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our energy supply Summary…
…, carbon neutral, climate resilient city region with a thriving natural environment and circular, zero-waste economy where: • Our infrastructure will be smart and fit for the future: we will have an integrated, clean and affordable public transport system, resource efficient buildings, greater local community renewable energy, cleaner air, water and greenspace for all. • All citizens will have…
… sustainably, moving to a circular economy Priority 2: Becoming more responsible consumers Priority 3: Managing our waste as sustainably as possible SUMMARY OF OUR PRIORITIES Priority 4: Reducing unnecessary food waste Priority 1: • 50-77% reduction in industrial emissions (38% by 2025). SUMMARY OF THE SCALE OF THE CHALLENGE Priority 3: • Achieve a recycling rate of 65…
… • Support local food growing and redistribution initiatives and organisations Lead policy • Collaborate with the GM Sustainable Business Partnership, including a focus on resource efficiency • Explore ways to support innovation that will help us transition to a circular economy. • Continue to develop the Plastic Free GM campaign, including launching a roadmap and Plastic Pact for the public…
… for achieving that for our current and future generations, setting out what we all need to do to tackle those challenges and capitalise on the opportunities and benefits that will come from taking action. The approach taken in our plan is underpinned by 5 key principles. It is a plan that is: 1. For all of us 2. Focussed on urgent action 3. Visionary 4. Ambitious 5. To be reported…
… 19 Energy Efficiency 20 Building For the Future 25 4. Transport 28 New Local Transport Plan with a key focus on decarbonisation 29 Essex Bus Service 29 Active Travel 31 Electric Vehicles 32 Escooters 32 5. Waste 33 Essex Waste Strategy 33 Love Essex 34 The BLUEPRINT to a Circular Economy Project 36 6. Community Engagement…
… gases and cut energy bills. Since the LoCASE funding programme started in 2016, £2.6m has been awarded to 397 businesses, with an estimated reduction of 2,902 tonnes of greenhouse gases equivalent emissions and £992,534 cost savings per annum within Greater Essex (including Southend and Thurrock). Case Study: Thurrock Rugby Football Club Thurrock Rugby Football Club was awarded £10,000…
… ready for future funding opportunities. This will also enable us to group together low carbon projects – with the potential to use a framework to deliver groups of work – securing economies of scale and quality of installation. 24,reduction%20by%202036%20to%202039…
… and businesses. The action to tackle climate change will also give us cheaper energy and warm comfortable homes. As we look to the future, it will give us a green economy and help us to secure long term, good quality jobs. Of course, ECC is only one organisation, and our district, borough, city, town and parish councils; our colleagues in the NHS and local universities; our fantastic local businesses…
…=ctNJFf55vVA%3d&WGewmoAfeNQ16B2MHuCpMRKZMwaG1PaO=ctNJFf55vVA%3d A key year for Climate Action in the UK Since the Essex Climate Action Commission published its ‘Net Zero: Making Essex Carbon Neutral’ report and recommendations in July 2021, there have been a number of national and international climate events and initiatives. These have provided opportunities for Essex to develop new ideas…
…. March 2020 KS To raise awareness of GHG emissions and opportunities for reductions. Deliver a cultural and behavioural change programme focused on enabling staff to reduce their carbon footprint at work and at home. December 2020 KS Encouraging the making climate change personal theme. Deliver a Culture and Climate Change programme led by the Thelma Hulbert Gallery to raise awareness…
…. Capital £2m GF (initial sum) Support the Cosy Devon Partnership, the Local Energy Advice Partnership, and similar to enable networking, project collaboration and the testing of new solutions between local authorities, community energy organisations, installers and other interested parties to deliver domestic energy retrofit measures by seizing opportunities for grant funding and market offers…
… and ‘embodied energy’ in the transport infrastructure. Encourage non-car travel for all sectors of the population, through targeted advice, incentives and enforcement. Support car share initiatives and low emission pool cars for essential business activities. Install electric car charging points in all car parks and explore the opportunities for charging points in other public spaces, street furniture…
… ACTION PLAN 2020 – 2040 (Ten Point Plan v7) MITIGATION Encourage refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and reduction – The Circular Economy. September 2019 AH Embed the circular economy in the Council’s thinking and actions. Ensure that recycling processors are based in the UK and that we work towards a transparent audit trail of destinations for our residents recycling, and confidence…
…, reducing consumption and enabling lifestyle change, particularly those involving the community. EDDC CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN 2020 – 2040 (Ten Point Plan v7) MITIGATION Continue to support the delivery of regional energy initiatives such as the Local Enterprise Partnerships. July 2010 AW Explore investment opportunities in green energy generating companies. Continue to facilitate…
… awareness raising campaigns, supported by climate action toolkits for citizens and community groups. 6. We will support business transition and a green circular economy The climate emergency is the greatest threat Edinburgh’s economy has faced since the pandemic. Planning for a green recovery from Covid offers an opportunity for the city to rebuild sustainably, increasing Edinburgh’s…
… of the Climate Strategy and Implementation Plan 4.3.1 Unlocking and accelerating energy efficiency in homes and buildings; 4.3.2 Enabling the development of a citywide programme of heat and energy generation and distribution infrastructure; 4.3.3 Accelerating the decarbonisation of public transport; 4.3.4 Renewing the focus on climate resilience and accelerating adaptation of the city; 4.3.5…
… includes new commitments on: 4.5.1 Collaborating with Scottish Government to develop a green investment pipeline for the city; 4.5.2 Developing investment strategies to support the city’s transition to clean energy and energy efficient buildings, a low carbon economy, net zero transport infrastructure, and to adapt the city to be resilient to future climate change; 4.5.3 Developing joined-up…
… climate change 6. Reduce our global footprint 7. Fabric First 8. Electrification first 9. Support sustainable communities 10. Accelerate energy efficiency 11. Accelerate clean energy generation 12. Accelerate transport decarbonisation 13. Empower citizens 14. Support a circular economy 15. Accelerate investment Executive Summary, Draft 2030 Climate Strategy | 0…
… as reducing those we currently produce. Reducing our global footprint: We will create a more circular economy, supporting action to reduce emissions that occur in other parts of the world as result of purchasing and another activity within the city. Fabric first: We will improve the energy efficiency of the city’s buildings, adopting fabric first approaches to reduce energy demand…
… underpinning this objective • Local Development Plan • Circular Economy Plan • Regional Economic Strategy • With support from our partners, we will develop a Circular Economy Plan for the Stirling area in 2021. • Integrate the economic and jobs opportunities from waste reduction, recycling and the circular economy in our Regional Economic Strategy. INSPIRE all to take action • We will work…
… Economy Action Plan Delivery Develop Alive with Nature Plan Alive with Nature Action Plan Delivery Carry out Risk and Opportunities Assessment Review and deliver updated Climate Adaptation Strategy Energy Use & Generation Transport Resource Efficiency Nature & Biodiversity Climate Adaptation STIRLING COUNCIL CLIMATE & NATURE EMERGENCY PLAN 2021-2045 39 We will regularly…
…-carbon energy system for heating, power and transport while matching local demand with local supply E04 • Provide a resilient and secure energy supply E05 • Eliminate fuel poverty through improved energy efficiency and the provision of low cost, low carbon energy What we have achieved so far... Reduction in national energy demand: the initial target to reduce demand across Scotland by 12…
… and retrofit all Council housing stock to achieve a minimum Energy Performance Certificate of B standard by 2045 (using the Warmer Homes Scotland Scheme, for example). INSPIRE all to take action • Work with Scottish Government to develop and deliver robust programmes to support home and business retrofits for zero-carbon heating and energy efficiency. • Promote the opportunities for jobs and economic…
… provided by net-zero carbon and the circular economy at the heart of the Regional Economic Strategy, which is currently under development. This will include: • Supporting business start-up and entrepreneurship; • Helping all businesses understand the opportunities of the green economy, and how to take action; and • Positioning Stirling’s beauty, environmental ambitions and climate resilience…
… Borough come from? 17 Industrial and commercial sector emission sources 19 Domestic sector emission sources 19 Transport sector emission sources 19 3. Vision, aims and objectives 20 Emissions trajectory to net zero - Roadmap to 2050 20 The borough’s pathway to net zero 21 Strategic themes 22 4. Initial action plan - 2020-25 29 Circular Economy 30 Energy 31 Natural Environment 33 Transport…
…% reduction by 2050 97% reduction by 2045 94% reduction by 2040 88% reduction by 2035 75% reduction by 2030 2020 50% reduction by 2025 Page 21 Strategic themes 3.8 We have structured our strategy around four strategic themes. The strategic framework provides the basis for our ongoing activity and investment. The themes comprise of circular economy, energy, natural environment…
… the strategic framework for the development of future action plans to 2050. Circular economy Aim: Reduce waste and consumption, increase material re-use and increase recycling rates in the borough. Objectives: • Improve recycling rates • Encourage waste avoidance and material reuse through our services and operations. • Champion waste reduction in the wider community. Energy Aim: Reduce energy…
… themes We have structured our strategy around four key themes to focus strategic action on areas we have control over at a local level: Circular economy Circular Economy refers to more sustainable resource use. Attention will be focused on reducing waste, encouraging material re-use, increasing recycling and supporting less resource intensive lifestyles. Energy 67% of the borough’s emissions…
… efficiency programmes for buildings; and the need to reduce waste and ban waste-to-landfill. This context has informed the development of this strategy and actions to tackle these areas are specified under the Action Plan section. The Government’s 2017 Industrial Strategy White Paper embeds the principle of a low carbon economy and says it is essential for maintaining our quality of life and ensuring…
… roadmap for the city, which maps material flows to identify opportunities for circularity and co-location. Bring stakeholders together and create the conditions for a circular economy to flourish 1 L 2 Communication and behavioural campaign on minimising water use to residents 1 M 2 Waste reduction, reuse & recycle initiatives - Reuse of household goods; Removal of organic waste…
… across the organisation 2 2 Develop education and communication campaigns for residents to raise awareness of what can be recycled 2 1 Support community groups to develop the local sharing/circular economy e.g. repair café, library of things, community fridge, food redistribution centres 1 2 Deliver pedestrian and cycle access to Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs…
…) so all residents can safely access the site and dispose of their household waste and recycling 1 1 Champion zero waste cafes and plastic free business to residents to encourage behaviour change to low waste services 1 1 Work with other local authorities to share case studies from businesses on circular economy practices to maximise environmental and economic opportunities 1…
… 1 Expand networks facilitating the donation of edible surplus food to food banks across the city 2 2 No single use plastic at the Christmas market 1 2 Engage with suppliers to adopt circular economy principles through procurement policies 2 1 Pilot recycled road surfaces - Trial a new lower carbon solution of ‘crumb’ recycled rubber tyres for resurfacing roads…
… as council point of contact for queries Green Energy Park - Opportunity assessment for future Green Energy Park in York 3 2 Collaborate with local training colleges and educational centres to ensure skills to install solar panels are within the local workforce 2 1 Consult with residents on the benefits of installing solar panels and the potential opportunities from initiatives like…
… the Covid-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to place climate change issues and the green economy at heart of the UK’s future economy. The wide range of public, private, charity and voluntary sector organisations present in the district provide ample opportunities for effective partnership building and collaborative change. Informed by 12 organising principles, emissions baselining…
…, covering a range of topics such as how people travel, heat and use energy in their homes, what they eat and buy, energy generations and carbon storage. Recommendations included investing in public transport and active travel infrastructure, supporting the switch to electric vehicles, investment and support for retrofit, measures to encourage a circular economy and less meat consumption…
… natural environment and resilience to weather events. There are also considerable economic benefits as we move from exporting our wealth out of the district by paying for resources such as fuel, food and materials generated elsewhere, to a localised, circular economy with job creation and community wealth building potential. Opportunities will include the creation of new investment, training…
… ................................................................................. 13 Challenges and Risks ........................................................................................................................... 13 Opportunities ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Organising Principles…
… fuels and other polluting industries. District-wide emissions Prioritise actions that will help reduce emissions from road transport in the district. Establish a positive planning policy framework for maximising the use of renewables within new developments, and opportunities for the deployment of larger scale renewable energy generation. Explore and identify ways that the Council…
… and an initial assessment of available opportunities • The additional electricity demand generated for electrification of heat and transport as we move away from fossil fuels • The gap which would remain when all the above are taken into account These calculations are summarised in table 3. Achieving the demand reductions and renewable energy generation shown would require a massive investment beyond…
… considerably outweigh the costs. While the challenges associated with reaching the net zero by 2030 target in Reading will be significant, so will be the benefits. Economic Social Environmental Clean and inclusive growth in the local economy Reduced energy costs Increased energy security High quality employment Reduced congestion New opportunities in the low carbon economy Economic costs…
… illness- related days lost at work, improved productivity Environment Health Housing Business & Economy Environment Health Housing Business & Economy ENERGY EFFICIENCY Reduced energy demand, carbon reduction, reduced cold-related illnesses, reduced NHS costs, better quality housing stock, reduced operating costs for housing providers, fewer illness-related days lost…
… and business retrofit projects. The initial projects outlined in the strategy will not in themselves be sufficient to deliver the zero carbon aim but they will help to drive a greater uptake in these areas and enable an acceleration to achieve our end goal as we approach 2030. Total Reading energy demand +1889 GWh Total potential demand reduction (gas and electricity) -933 GWh Total potential…
… waste collections and recycling infrastructure and to create new regional jobs. The Committee also spelt out the opportunities to support the transition to a more sustainable economic recovery by investing in the UK’s workforce, and in lower-carbon behaviours and innovation via: • Reskilling and retraining programmes: the Committee set out how the net zero economy will require a net zero…
… infrastructure. Ongoing Participation Health T6.6 Ensure circular use of materials in highway maintenance, widen the use of sustainable materials, and explore carbon capture technology. Ongoing Adaptation Circular economy T6.7 Introduce smart lighting to manage energy use and reduce the impact on biodiversity. 2026 Biodiversity T6.8 Enable green corridors within and alongside highways…
… into capital works and planned maintenance programmes and budgets. 2021-29 Fuel poverty Green economy Adaptation H1.2 Develop plans and begin installation of low carbon heat in building types where there is already a strong financial case 2021-23 Fuel poverty Green economy H1.3 Identify properties that are eligible to apply for funding from the Green Homes Grant, Local Authority Delivery…
… and education providers into the local/regional ambitions Ongoing Green economy 4 H1.11 Set up housing resident group to focus on climate change, biodiversity and environmental initiatives, to work in co-production and to communicate to resident groups and residents Ongoing Biodiversity H1.12 Maximise opportunity for biodiversity on estates from grounds maintenance and resident led…
… and generation Actions Ref Action By when Wider benefits EN2.1 Develop council programme to retrofit where feasible solar on council buildings 2023 Operational savings Energy security EN2.2 Consider investment in large scale renewable farms via the strategic investment fund 2026 Income EN2.3 Require Energy Strategies for new developments to include proposals to maximise opportunities…
… campaigns, projects and prototypes to increase recycling rates for target materials, resident groups, and locations. - 2026 Cost savings; Environment health C2.5 Seek to bring in fossil-free collection as part of the Council’s waste collection contracts . 2027 Operational savings; Air quality; C2.6 Support and promote circular economy businesses and employment programmes…
… to support 20-minute neighbourhoods, the Council will bring forward a programme of deep energy retrofit of its operational estate, seeking opportunities for collaboration with public sector partners to secure economies of scale and maximise local job creation. This will require significant levels of resource and the Council’s approach is to invest in feasibility studies to scope retrofit…
…, and future low- carbon HGV and building retrofit technologies evolve. 4.2 The CERP has been developed to cover the next nine years up to 2030. It focusses on the Council’s key corporate emissions sources (energy consumption, waste, fleet and travel) and sets out an initial pathway to net-zero by 2030. The CERP does this by estimating the impact of emission reduction projects (both planned…
… million to retrofit Council buildings based on a payment in arears funding model and upon the achievement of project outcomes including carbon emissions reductions and green economy opportunities. In addition, the Scottish Government will provide the Council with an additional grant funding of up to £120,000 to develop the EnerPHit Business Case. The Council will continue to seek other sources…
… emissions reduction plan and brought for political consideration as appropriate: Adopting a circular economy approach to manage the Council’s operational estate…
… energy. It should also be noted that requirements for Environmental and Sustainability Management are already embedded in the Council’s future Repairs and Maintenance contract deliverables. Investment in 'energy efficiency/demand reduction' innovations and technology to minimise energy use and to reduce overheating Some energy saving Building Management Systems (BMS) initiatives…