Local authorities in Scotland are required to publish yearly data on their compliance with their climate change duties – including the emissions reduction projects they are undertaking.
Carbon emission reduction projects are carried out across Council services (often with carbon emission reduction as a secondary outcome), with currently no central point for collation. The lack of 'carbon project register' has been raised with the Sustainability Board, and highlighted in the recent CCAT workshop as an area for improvement. The Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2017-20 contains 43 actions to be completed, and progress is reported centrally, but is not carbon specific. The register is being developed to capture all relevant projects and will be maintained on a quarterly basis.
The solar pv and biomass retrofit programme was instigated in 2015, with continued emission savings made each year.
The LED replacement project has planned implementation over 2 years.
This project attracts savings in electricity, gas, coal and oil.
The pilot scheme (which will run for two years) is currently cost neutral. A tender process is currently being developed.
It has not been possible to provide an accurate annual savings figure at this time as residents use energy in different ways. This issue is currently being investigated.
Phase 2 of the project has included a further 4 properties to the 5 installed in 2015/16.
A variety of heating improvement projects are carried out through the report year e.g. installing controls, temperature sensors and Building Management Systems.
The number of properties installed will increase during 2016/17.
A variety of projects take place throughout he report year to improve the energy efficiency of the estate e.g. installing lighting controls and replacing fitting with more energy efficient models.
Circosense has been installed in 2 properties. The success of this pilot has led to the development of a larger roll out during 2017/18.
The scheme is supported by the Council's Travel Smart campaign, to encourage staff and inspire local businesses and residents to make more sustainable travel choices. This pilot scheme did not produce significant financial savings, however it is anticipated that the procured permanent solution will deliver significant carbon and financial savings to the Council.
This pilot project has successfully engaged pupils from primary school with the climate change agenda. The 5 topics covered (Lighting, Heating, Transport, Waste and Water) have generated fresh ideas for how schools can reduce their impact on the environment.