Emissions reduction projects

Local authorities in Scotland are required to publish yearly data on their compliance with their climate change duties – including the emissions reduction projects they are undertaking.

54 projects

West Dunbartonshire Council

Building Management System Changes (2014)

Estimated carbon savings based on notional energy saving from RES. No capital cost, On-going project. Savings captured in 2014-15 footprint.

Funding source
10 years
Emission source
Gas oil
Emissions saved
10 tCO2e per year
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Electricity to Gas conversion (2014)

This project was implemented in Summer 2014 as such real savings are available for that time period and are captured within the Carbon Footprint displaying a 70 tonnes of CO2 saving. Electricity for heating was still used within the school in the earlier part of 14-15 so it is assumed that no electricity will be used for heating in 15-16 representing a saving of 41 tonnes.

Funding source
20 years
Emission source
Emissions saved
111 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Installation of Draught Proofing (2014)

Estimated carbon savings based on notional energy saving from RES.

Funding source
10 years
Emission source
Natural Gas
Emissions saved
7 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Behavioural/education campaign with Schools (2014)

This includes grid generation and transmission and distribution losses. The power in you campaign engage with 19 WDC schools holding energy and carbon workshops, guided energy audits, school energy policy support and engagement in activities such as earth hour and climate week. Assumption was that the campaign would have a minimal 2% reduction. Figures are estimates based on the schools consumption in 14-15 based on the 2% assumption. Savings demonstrated in first quarter of the year across the sites compared to 14-15 was 27,479 kWh it cannot be assumed that all reduction have come from this project or that this will continue across the whole year but will continue to be reviewed. External funding provided to develop materials and internal staff time.

Funding source
Emission source
Grid Electricity (generation)
Emissions saved
24 tCO2e per year
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Phase 2 - Alternate Weekly Collection (2014)

Savings figures are based on actual increase in recycling compared to landfill over a 3 month period at the beginning of 15-16 which has been extrapolated to give a likely annual saving. On-going project. Cost and savings included in wider service change to alternative weekly collection across all sites.

Funding source
Emission source
Refuse Municipal to Landfill
Emissions saved
87 tCO2e per year
West Dunbartonshire Council

Our Lady of Loretto Oil to Gas (Boiler House Upgrade) (2015)

complete April 2015; difficult to calculate savings as oil deliveries rather than consumption for previous few years

Funding source
WDC Capital Funding
Emission source
Gas Oil
Emissions saved
43 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Oil to Gas conversion (2014)

This project was implemented in Summer 2014 as such real savings are available for that time period and are captured within the Carbon Footprint displaying a 55 tonnes of CO2 saving. Oil was still used within the school in the earlier part of 14-15 so it is assumed that no oil will be used in 15-16 representing a saving of 33 tonnes.

Funding source
10 years
Emission source
Gas oil
Emissions saved
88 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Kerosene to Gas conversion (2014)

Estimated carbon savings based on notional energy saving from RES.

Funding source
20 years
Emission source
Burning Oil
Emissions saved
7 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

External Lighting Project (2014)

This includes grid generation and transmission and distribution losses, savings based on notional energy saving from RES.

Funding source
20 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity (generation)
Emissions saved
11 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Installation of Draught Proofing (2014)

Estimated carbon savings based on notional energy saving from RES.

Funding source
10 years
Emission source
Gas oil
Emissions saved
6 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Pool Cars Pilot Project (2014)

Estimated carbon savings based on assumed usage of pool vehicles replacing high usage business mileage. Project implemented in June 2014 25% of savings On-going project Pool car introduced in June of 2014 approximately 8 tonnes likely to be in 14-15 footprint.

Funding source
10 years
Emission source
Business travel - car
Emissions saved
11 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Knoxland Oil to Gas (Burner Replacement) (2015)

complete summer 2015. Saved 25 tonnes in 2015/16

Funding source
WDC Capital Funding
Emission source
Gas Oil
Emissions saved
27 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Auchnecraigg ELCC roof works/insulation/fascia/windows (2015)

condition survey works

Funding source
WDC Capital Funding
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
15 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
West Dunbartonshire Council

LED Street Light Replacement (2015)

63% savings in CO2e emissions from pre project

Funding source
WDC Capital Funding
25 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
2,300 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual cost
West Dunbartonshire Council

Braehead Primary major roof works and window replacements (2015)

condition survey works

Funding source
WDC Capital funding
Emission source
Gas Oil
Emissions saved
167 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
West Dunbartonshire Council

Levenvale Oil to Gas (2015)

Funding source
WDC Capital Funding
Emission source
Gas Oil
Emissions saved
55 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
West Dunbartonshire Council

Food Waste Collection (2015)

new areas of WDC now able to separate food waste

Funding source
WDC Capital Funding
Emission source
Refuse Municipal to Landfill
Emissions saved
130 tCO2e per year
West Dunbartonshire Council

Crematorium Upgrade (2015)

Major upgrade to crematorium - now catches fugitive mercury emissions. Work took place Feb15-Feb16. 30-40% savings in gas consumption expected. Heat Exchange system also installed.

Funding source
WDC Capital Funding
Emission source
Natural Gas
Emissions saved
144 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
West Dunbartonshire Council

BMS install Auchnacraig PS (2015)

electrically heated; should save about 50% of electricity from 2014/15 (half of school was shut in 2015/16 which is reason for low consumption that year)

Funding source
WDC Capital Funding
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
79 tCO2e per year
West Dunbartonshire Council

Clydemuir Primary Oil to Gas (burner replacement) (2015)

Funding source
WDC Capital Funding
Emission source
Gas Oil
Emissions saved
20 tCO2e per year

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