Emissions reduction projects

Local authorities in Scotland are required to publish yearly data on their compliance with their climate change duties – including the emissions reduction projects they are undertaking.

26 projects

East Renfrewshire Council

Buildings closed / disposed / demolished etc - see section 3g below (2014)

East Renfrewshire Council

Non Domestic Energy Efficiency Framework Phase 1 (2016)

Primarily lighting replacement across 7 primary schools and two ASHPs replacing electric storage in two nurseries. Partial savings incurred in report year. First full year of savings to incurred in 2017/18.

Funding source
Capital Budget/SALIX Budget
12 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
187 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

Street lighting retrofit (2017)

Savings calculated from STC data for unmetered supply.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
10 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
272 tCO2e per year
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

Street lighting retrofit (2016)

This is an ongoing project to retrofit streetlights with LED where appropriate and replace lampposts where required.

Funding source
Capital Budget
10 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
288 tCO2e per year
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - Internal lighting (2018)

Electricity savings only. Data taken from IGA (final) proposal by E.ON.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
284 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - External lighting (2018)

Electricity savings only. Data taken from IGA ( final) proposal by E.ON.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
60 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - Air Handling Unit (2018)

Primary electricity savings of 3 tCO2e. Data taken from IGA ( final) proposal by E.ON.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
3 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - Boiler implementation (2018)

Gas savings only. Data taken from IGA ( final) proposal by E.ON.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Natural Gas
Emissions saved
42 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

Street lighting LED fitting (2018)

1042 LED street lights installed (replacing existing column/lanterns) 2018/19. Cost savings based on 15p/kWh.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
25 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
477 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - Air Source Heat Pump installation (2018)

Electricity savings only. Data taken from IGA ( final) proposal by E.ON.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
24 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

Water efficiency project (2 of 2) (2017)

Please see description above. This entry relates to savings incurred through water treatment as opposed to supply.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
3 years
Emission source
Water - Treatment
Emissions saved
10 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - BEMS upgrade (2018)

Primary gas saving of 187 tCO2e. Secondary electricity saving of 25 tCO2e Data taken from IGA (final) proposal by E.On.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Natural Gas
Emissions saved
212 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - BEMS optimisation (2018)

Primary gas saving of 7 tCO2e. Secondary electricity saving of 5 tCO2e. Data taken from IGA (final) proposal by E.ON.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Natural Gas
Emissions saved
12 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - VSD installation (2018)

Electricity savings only. Data taken from IGA (final) proposal by E.ON.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
5 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - Pipe lagging (2018)

Gas savings only. Data taken from IGA (final) proposal by E.ON

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Natural Gas
Emissions saved
10 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

Water efficiency project (1of 2) (2017)

Installation of water efficiency measures at education sites by Anglian Water (Wave) using Scottish Government Framework.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
3 years
Emission source
Water - Supply
Emissions saved
5 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - BEMS upgrade (2017)

Primary gas saving of 167.5 tCO2e. Secondary electricity saving of 25tCO2e Data taken from IGA proposal by Matrix.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Natural Gas
Emissions saved
192.5 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - BEMS optimisation (2017)

Primary gas saving of 6.7 tCO2e Secondary electricity saving of 4.6 tCO2e Data taken from IGA proposal by Matrix.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Natural Gas
Emissions saved
11.3 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - VSD installation (2017)

Electricity savings only. Data taken from IGA proposal by Matrix.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Grid Electricity
Emissions saved
5 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings
East Renfrewshire Council

NDEE - Pipe lagging (2017)

Gas savings only. Data taken from IGA proposal by Matrix.

Funding source
East Renfrewshire Council
7 years
Emission source
Natural Gas
Emissions saved
9.6 tCO2e per year
Capital cost
Annual savings

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