The UK’s open database of council climate action plans

84% of councils have a plan

Browse and compare all 397 councils Download ZIP archive of 857 documents (1.7 GB)
Last updated: Feb. 6, 2025.

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What makes a good plan?

We’ve selected the councils with the most exemplary plans in a number of topic areas

Good on green jobs, skills & training

Councils whose climate action plans are good examples of how to consider training and workforce upskilling as part of a climate change response

68 councils

Best plans of 2021

The best performers in our 2021 Council Climate Action Plan Scorecards audit

8 councils

Strong on fairness

Councils whose climate action plans do a good job of identifying the communities that climate change will be harm the most, and including measures to support them

9 councils

Comprehensive plan for mitigation

Councils with a comprehensive plan for mitigating the effects of climate change

61 councils

Clear communication

Councils with the clearest, best structured, and easiest to find climate action plans, in our 2021 Scorecards audit

62 councils

Strong on engagement

Councils who did a good job engaging local stakeholders in developing their climate action plans

33 councils

Comprehensive plan for adaptation

Councils with a comprehensive plan for adapting to the consequences of climate change

13 councils

Strong on public health

Councils whose climate action plans are good examples of identifying public health risks in their areas as a result of climate change, and including actions to address those risks

88 councils

Integrated with Local Plan

Councils whose climate action plans are well integrated with their Local Plans

113 councils


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