CM 51
Members considered a report that outlined progress in developing the Climate Change and Biodiversity Action Plan and proposals for progressing its implementation along with proposed targets for reducing carbon emissions both organisationally and across the West Devon Borough.
In his introduction, the Chairman of the Climate Change and Biodiversity Working Group informed that:
- a cost/benefit analysis would be undertaken on each of the actions contained within the Action Plan;
- the Council’s own carbon footprint had now been calculated;
- it was vitally important that targets were aspirational, achievable and affordable; and
- there was a great deal of work to be undertaken by the Working Group (including the creation of a Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy) and the Chairman wished to put on record his thanks for the hard work and commitment of both lead officers and Working Group Members.
In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:-
(a) It was confirmed that, such were the tight timescales associated with setting the 2020/21 Budget, that any potential significant budget implications arising from the Action Plan would feed into the 2021/22 Budget setting process. When looking at the cost/benefit analysis work that was to be undertaken, a Member emphasised the importance of consideration being given to how the Council would fund delivery of each of these actions;
Some Members proceeded to make reference to the ongoing budgetary pressures that were being faced by the Council and made the point that these were likely to be further exacerbated by delivering a number of the proposed actions that were contained within the Plan. These Members were therefore of the view that the Council would be facing some very difficult decisions in the upcoming months and years to ensure that it continued to deliver a balanced budget whilst addressing the Climate Change and Biodiversity Emergency;
(b) Officers advised that the proposed additional staffing resource was to be a shared officer with South Hams District Council and would cost £25,000 each for the two authorities. Officers also informed that a key task for the postholder would be to submit grant applications in an effort to gain additional funding from Central Government towards the delivery of the Action Plan;
(c) Assurances were given to Members that every effort was being made to avoid duplication of work between local authorities and other partner agencies (e.g. utility companies). When multi-agency meetings were held, officers stated that one of the recurring themes was to ensure that work was not being unnecessarily duplicated;
(d) Such was the recognised need for support from Central Government, that an additional recommendation was PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:-
‘The Council actively lobbies both Central Government and its local MPs to improve the standard of infrastructure and new development and to introduce incentives to make our homes as energy efficient and clean as possible.’
When put to the vote, this additional recommendation was declared CARRIED;
(e) With regard to the outcomes that were being generated from the Working Group, Members felt that it was important for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to be in receipt of regular progress updates. As a result, it was requested that, when reviewing its Work Programme, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider scheduling in regular progress updates from the Working Group;
(f) Having formally declared an Emergency, the importance of the Council displaying both leadership and ownership of the Climate Change agenda was reiterated by a number of Members.
It was then proposed by Cllr M Davies, seconded by Cllr S Hipsey and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and ”RESOLVED that:
1. The Climate Change and Biodiversity Action Plan (as outlined at Appendix A of the presented agenda report) be adopted;
2. The content of the Council’s first Greenhouse Gas Inventory (as outlined at Section 5 of the presented agenda report) be noted;
3. The Council aims to reduce its organisational carbon emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions) to net-zero by 2030;
4. The Council commits to working with partners through the Devon Climate Emergency Response Group to aim to reduce the Borough of West Devon’s carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050 at the latest;
5. The Council aims for a 10% Biodiversity Net Gain in the habitat value of its green and wooded public open space by 2025;
6. The Climate Change and Biodiversity Working Group be requested to develop a Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy to be brought back to Council for its approval at its 22 September 2020 meeting;
7. An update on progress against the adopted aims be brought back to Council on an annual basis; and
8. The Council actively lobbies both Central Government and its local MPs to improve the standard of infrastructure and new development and to introduce incentives to make our homes as energy efficient and clean as possible.”
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