Agendas, reports and minutes
Policy and Resources Committee
Date: Thursday, 19th March 2020
- Thursday 19th March, 2020 Agendas, 134.85 KB
- Thursday 19th March, 2020 Minutes, 638.27 KB
- Item 3 Minutes from previous meeting Reports, 483.99 KB
- Item 4(a) 19/0620/FUL Full: Major: Erection of 12 semi-detached dwellings and associated hardstanding and landscaping on land to the west of the playing fields on Bailey Street, Earby Reports, 526.21 KB
- Item 4(b) 19/0892/FUL Full: Change of use of ground floor from residential (Use Class C3) to mixed use residential and barbers shop (Use Class C3 and A1) and insertion of shop front and shutters at 148 Railway Street, Nelson Reports, 486.6 KB
- Item 4(c) 19/0767/OUT Outline: Major: Demolition of existing farm buildings and erection of up to 55,750 sq. m. of commercial development, comprising B1a/b, B1c, B2, B8 and A1 (Food)/A3/A5 uses (access only off Barrowford Road with all other matters reser Reports, 904.76 KB
- Item 4(c) 19/0767/OUT - Update report Reports, 351.05 KB
- Item 5 Matters Requiring Financial Approval Reports, 125.42 KB
- Item 6 Lomeshaye Extension Phase 1 - Purchase of Additional Land Reports, 110.45 KB
- Item 6 - Plan Reports, 283.57 KB
- Item 7 Lomeshaye Extension Phase 1 - Proposed Dedication of Footpaths to Bridleway Reports, 211.52 KB
- Item 7 Plan Reports, 1.15 MB
- Item 8 Land at Greenfield Road, Colne Reports, 123.64 KB
- Item 8 Plan Reports, 266.85 KB
- Item 9 Land at Harrison Drive, Colne Reports, 356.13 KB
- Item 10 Internal Audit Service Reports, 235.03 KB
- Item 11 Employer Contributions to the Lancashire Pension Fund (2020/21 - 2022/23) Reports, 226.25 KB
- Item 12 Recommended Write-Offs Reports, 170.17 KB
- Item 13 First Homes - Consultation on the Design and Delivery of First Homes Reports, 218.35 KB
- Item 13 Appendix 1 - A Guide to First Homes Reports, 84.15 KB
- Item 13 Appendix 2 - Proposed Consultation Response Reports, 359.91 KB
- Item 14 Tenders Reports, 399.06 KB
- Item 15(a) Climate Emergency Working Group Minutes Reports, 374.45 KB
- Item 15(b) Climate Emergency Action Plan Reports, 217.74 KB